19-06-2022, 00:20

Texture: Creatures Remade

2 361
Texture: Creatures Remade

This is a texture pack that remodel creatures by making it by far more scarier and more menacing!

Created By OvPx


This creature's model is pretty boring, so it's changed to this one, now it has armor plates on the shoulder, a tail that upgrades from the creature, and finally a few extra tentacles in the head.




Now it has more bones on this creature's body and horns on his head. Now it is more terrifying than before it is.



Wither Skeleton 

A partner of the Wither. This Creature is taller and stronger than a regular skeleton and a player, it gives decay per hit. The Wither Skeleton is scary and all but making it more scarier is best than it is, now it has Bone Wings on his body and a little "up-bone" on his head. before.


It now has "Fake" Scales around his body and I also re-arranged this creature's tentacles.

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Author: Steve

Category: Textures

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