28-04-2022, 22:17

Textures: Enhanced Boats

13 596
Textures: Enhanced Boats

Minecraft boats are... wooden boxes. First we had a box and then they put shovels on it, I think it could be better right? Yes, this Texture Pack improves the textures of the boats in a unique way, with incredible designs and shapes and an amazing level of detail, while maintaining the essence of Minecraft. For newer versions of Minecraft (1.18.30 no Beta). Unfortunately the boats with chests do not have a new texture, why? Because right when I finished this texture pack, the next day Minecraft was updated, You don't need to believe me.


Download Enhanced Boats (.mcpack)

[673.87 Kb] Downloads: 1315


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: admin

Category: Textures

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  1. COCO

    a masterpeice