Shader: Bedrock Animation Pack

This unique texture pack changes the animation of most of the mobs in your Minecraft world! Almost every mob will have ATLEAST 1 animation that is remade
Created By Leo Miller
They all have individual idle animations, running/walking some even have premade attack and emotes animations
Some mobs have really close to no change (like the axolotl)
- Chicken : Idle, Moving
- Bee : Idle, After losing stinger, Moving
- Bat : Sleeping, Moving
- Blaze : General Animation
- Cat / Ocelot : Sprinting, Walking, Sneaking, Idle
- Axolotl : Smooth Out All of the animations some what
- Cave Spider / Spider : Moving, Idle
- Cod / Salmon / Tropical / Pufferfish / Dolphin / Guardian : Moving and Idle
- Cow / Mooshroom : Idle, Move
- Creeper : Idle, Blowing up, Move
- Donkey / Mule / Horses : Sprinting, Idle, Eating, Moving Tail
- Drowned / Zombie / ZPiglin / Husk : Moving, Idle, Swimming
- Enderman : Carrying, Idle, Moving, MAD
- Endermite / Silverfish : Smooth out general animation and more realistic blending in movements
- Evoker : Casting, Walking, Idle
- Fox : Idle, Sleep, Sit, Move, Jumping
- Ghast : Smooth out everything, adding in a bit more detail and more realistic blending movements
- Squid/Glow Squids : Moving
- Hoglin / ZHog : Idle, Moving, Attack
- Llama : Idle, Moving
- Panda : Sitting, Sleeping, Moving
- Pig : Moving, Idle
- Strider : Idle
- Sheep : Idle, Moving
- Skeleton / Stray / WitherS : Idle, Moving, Bow Animations
- Turtle : Moving, Idle
- Vex : Moving
- Villager / Witch : Idle, Moving
- Vindicator : Idle, Moving
- Wolf : Idle, Moving, Sitting, ANGRY
- Piglin / Brute : Looking at Gold, Idle, Moving, Crossbow Animations
- Pillager : Idle, Moving, Crossbow Animations
- Polar Bear : Idle, Moving
- Rabbit : Idle, Moving
- Ravager : Idle, Walking, Chasing, Attack
- Iron Golem : Idle, Walking, Chasing, Attack
- Wither : Flying, Flying Idle