Addon: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

The only way to own a stand is to get a stand_disc(awaking cd).Hold your stand disc for nearly three second then you could summon your stand.
And it was pretty easy to remove your stand just by using a remove CD (could get it by kill npc)
Stand introduction
Star Platinum
Skills:barrage,time stopping (5s)
The world
Skills:Barrage,time stopping (9s)
Magic red
Skills:Flame rope,Cross flame hurricfire,Flame fist
Killer queen
Skills: The first bomb,igniteWither piercing attack
Crazy diamond
Skills: barrage, cure
Weather report
Skills: weather changing, Lead thunder
The Hand
Skills: Teleport, drag creature, remove creature
Skills: Freeze!
Golden Experience
Skills: Barrage,cure,creat creature(frogs)
Skills: hand knife, send creature to the parallel universe.
All those disc could be compounded in survival mode!(but expensive)
And added a few NPCs
Mod By 蜜桃peach