Addon: Dracomalum

Dracomalum is a Minecraft add-on that adds not only new entities, and structures, but also adds a story! The Aether is a new "dimension" that you can travel to. To do so, use a crafting table, and craft an Aether Portal. Then, place down the portal, and walk in! After some loading, you'll be transported into the new, "dimension". Upon entering, you'll find a drastically different landscape. The grass here is blue, and the trees are a shimmering gold. And the mobs bare shiny gold wings. However, do not be fooled and tempted by the gold and peaceful blue, there are many new and dangerous enemies here. The most notable ones being the Aether Dragon, and the Minotaur. Summon the Aether Dragon by right clicking/long pressing on the Aether Crystal.
Aether Dragon:
- Health: 300
- Damage: 8
- Health: 200
- Damage: 18-25
Created By LegitDragonb0y
The Highest Peak where the Aether Crystal can be found.
The Flying Cow and The Sky Pig
The Aether Dragon soaring over the Island
The Minotaur in his Chamber
The End
The Ender Dragon has an updated model to match the other Dimensional Dragons
The Nether
About the Magma Dripper's Ultimate Ability: The Magma Dripper has a full power attack that can nearly instantly kill anything. The only way to defend against this attack is holding up a shield, and healing yourself with potions or gapples.
The Magma Dripper:
- Health: 600
- Damage: 25
The Nether Dragon:
- Health: 300
- Damage: 8
Ig, The Adamant Warlord
- Health: 200
- Damage: 20-30
The Old King's Fortress
The Nether Dragon flying above the Old King's Fortress
Ig, The Adamant Warlord standing guard in the Volcano
The Overworld
- Health: 150
- Damage: 10-20
- Village Towers can be found in: Plains, Savanna, Taiga, Ice Plains, Deserts
- Skysailors can be found atop destroyed Village Towers in: Plains, Taiga, Ice Plains, Deserts, Windswept Hills
- Fire Dragon Nests can be found in: Windswept Hills
- Ice Dragons Nests can be found in: Ice Plains
- Skeleton Dragons can be found everywhere in the Overworld between y-level -60 and 20
- Blizzarion can be found in: All Ice Biomes
- Celestial Skulk Gliders can be found everywhere in the Overworld below y-level 63 and -63
A Peaceful Village Tower
A Village Tower ruined and now home to a Skysailor, and other monsters
A Fire Dragon and its nest
An Ice Dragon soaring over its nest
A Blizzarion trotting through the snow
A Skulk Glider in a cave
Craftable Items
Aether Portal
Dragon Whistle - Used for making your tamed dragons breathe fire(interact while riding a dragon)

Special Dragon Whistle - For making tamed Ancient Dragons use their ultimate attack(interact)

Diamond Shears - Used to shear some scales off of a tamed non-ancient dragon.

Cooked Dragon Meat
Elemental Dragon Armor
Skysailor Armor
Magma Dripper Armor
Craftable Weapons
Dimensional Dragon Scale Swords(+9 damage)
Elemental Dragon Scale Swords(+5 damage)
Skysailor Scale Swords(+8 damage)
Craftable Armor
Dimensional Dragon Armor
- Helmet(+5 protection)
- Chestplate(+10 protection)
- Leggings(+8 protection)
- Boots(+5 protection)
- Aether - Boots(+speed)


Nether - Chestplate(+fire resistance)

Elemental Dragon Armor
- Helmet(+2 protection)
- Chestplate(+7 protection)
- Leggings(+5 protection)
- Boots(+2 protection)

Skysailor Armor (durability nearly as good as Netherite)
- Helmet(+3 protection)
- Chestplate(+8 protection)
- Leggings(+6 protection)
- Boots(+3 protection)

The Armor of the Magma Dripper(full set bonus - fire resistance, resistance, strength) - the armor given to you by the Magma Dripper
- Helmet(+6 protection)
- Chestplate(+11 protection)
- Leggings(+9 protection)
- Boots(+6 protection)

Aether, Nether, Ender: To tame one of these three dragons, you must first slay them. Killing them drops an egg, which you can then hatch. The hatched baby can be tamed with salmon, and then grown to an adult with any meat.
Elemental Dragons(Ice, Fire): These dragons can be tamed by stealing the egg from their nest. The egg can then be hatched, and the baby is tamed with salmon. To grow it to an adult, feed it any meat.
Skeleton Dragons: These dragons must be given the soul of another dragon to be reanimated. To do so, give it any dragon egg, and then it will become tamed to you. Make sure to put armor on it when in sunlight, else it'll burn.
Celestial Skulk Glider: The Skulk Glider can be tamed using a slimeball.
Blizzarion: To tame this drake, you can either tame an adult by attempting to feed it while being attacked, or to kill an adult, and hatch the dropped egg. To tame it, feed it salmon or cod. The baby can be grown by feeding it any meat.
Skysailor: Taming this dragon is a challenge, for you have to slay this powerful dragon. Slaying it drops an egg, which upon hatching, must be fed Dragon Meat.
Ancient Dragons(Magma Dripper): Befriending is a better word, for these Dragons. They are the most challenging dragons to befriend, since they can only be found in dangerous fortresses. To befriend one of the Ancient Dragons, you must first duel them, to show them you are worthy. Upon their defeat, you speak to them(interact), and after speaking to them, the instructions to befriend them will be shown.
Hatching a Dragon Egg: To hatch a dragon egg, place it down, then right-click/long-press it. Right-clicking/Long-pressing it begins the timer until the egg hatches. It usually takes 20 minutes for one egg to hatch. To pick the egg up again, simply "kill" the egg. It will drop the item upon its "death".
A list of the Tamable Dragons
- Aether Dragon
- Nether Dragon
- Ender Dragon
- Fire Dragon
- Ice Dragon
- Skysailor
- Magma Dripper