Addon: Goblin Traders

You may have seen the Goblin Traders Mod for Java by MrCrayfish, it features two new mobs that rarely spawn and offer unique and powerful trades at a high price, Now you can enjoy this as a Bedrock Edition Addon, with many of the same features as on Java
Created By Alylica
Goblin Traders :
You can find goblin traders underground, beneath Y=0 to be specific, they are a bit reclusive and so you won’t see them everywhere, but should you find one, i recommend talking to it to see it’s trades Trading :
Goblin Traders have various useful trades, you can get things such as Echo Shards, Diamond Tools and Armour and even Special Potions and Enchantments
Special Trades :
Along side having regular potions with increased duration / effects, you can find 4 brand new potions, The Levitation Potion, which as you can guess makes you float, the Efficiency Potion that lets you mine faster, the Durability Potion lets you take more damage and the Charisma Potion lets you get better deals from villagers, you can increase the potency and duration of these potions in a brewing stand as you would any other potion
Should a goblin offer you a strange enchanted book you have struck gold (figuratively); these books contain Impossible Enchantment Levels, such as Sharpness VI, or Depth Strider IV
There is 3 different type of enchanted book, indicated by its name, Purple Books award mining based enchantments like Fortune and Efficiency. Gold Books have Offensive enchantments such as Sharpness and Knockback and Blue Books grant Armour Enchantments, the likes of Protection and Thorns
More Powerful and higher level enchantments are less likely to be sold, but you will never know untill you make a purchase!
Other Goblin Info :
Goblins love apples, they will follow you when you hold one and will even sometimes accept them in trade for emeralds, if a goblin gets hurt then don’t worry! You can feed it an apple to restore 2 hearts of health
Should you find yourself exploring long in the nether you may encounter a Vein Goblin Trader, a special kind of goblin with unique trades related to the nether, they arent a big fan of apples though, they prefer carrots.

Vein Goblin Traders are also fireproof!