Addon: Mystic Weapon

Mystic Weapon is a powerful magical weapon which have their own special abilities. There are 3 kinds of Mystic Weapon and an Armor each weapon and armor have element type and its power is according to that element.
Created By Vechrozilator
Element Stones
Elements stones are unique items that use for crafting different Mystic Weapon. Elements Stones are very unique and expensive, you can have a chance to buy them in wandering trader or have chance to get them in some specific loot such as unique chest loot like burried treasure, chest in some village or by some entity's drop loot.
The color of element stones
- Earth - Brown-orange
- Fire - Red
- Water - Blue
- Ice - Cyan
- Wind - Green
- Lightning - Purple
- Light - White
- Dark - Black
Each type of stone can break into 4 different shards using crafting table, just like below
You can use each element stone and element stone shard to craft different Mystic Weapons and Armors. There are 3 different kinds of mystic weapons which are staff, swords & battleaxes. For each weapons and armors there are 6 different variations, one element for each kind.
Weapon Skills Triggering
All Weapons and Amors have skills, most has passive skill and some has active skill. Passive skill triggers automatically when:
- Use to attack for Swords and Battleaxes
- Wear full set of same armors for armors
And active skill can trigger by player by:
- Right clicking in computer/laptop
- Pressing left trigger in Console
- Touching and hold in mobile/tablet devices
Active Skill has cooldown thus can only be used between that time interval
- Staves are powerful long-range magical weapons that can perform supernatural things.
- Staves only had active skill and they have very low durability
- Staves can be enchanted with Unbreaking.
Evocation Staff (Earth)
Summon evocation fang to all entities within 10 radius that causes damage and slows the target for 7 seconds.
- Cooldown: 7 seconds
- Durability: 50
Fiery Wand (Fire)
Set all nearby entities on fire within 10 radius range, leaving a fire in where entities was standing
- Cooldown: 4 seconds
- Durability: 50
Wand Purifier (Water)
Remove all negative effects of a user and give fire resistance effect for a short period of time
- Cooldown: 25 seconds
- Durability: 50
Thawed Scepter (Ice)
Encases all neabry entities in ice within 10 radius and slow them for 12 seconds. The ice will eventually destroy in 8 seconds.
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
- Durability: 50
Tempest Staff (Wind)
Levitate all nearby entities within 10 radius then will drop them down that causes fall damage.
- Cooldown: 7 seconds
- Durability: 50
Lighting Scepter (Lightning)
Strike lighting to all nearby entities within 10 radius, will not strike entity that is too close to the user.
- Cooldown: 7 seconds
- Durability: 50

Teleportation Wand (Light)
Shoot ender pearl to a designated direction and teleport the user where it land leaving blindness effect to all nearby entities within 5 radius.
- Cooldown: 1 second
- Durability: 50
Necromancy Staff (Dark)
Summon 4 undead that attack nearby monsters, villagers and players. This weapon can equip in offhand
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- Durability: 60
Undead Characteristics
- Can inflict blindess effect to their target
- Players who summon them don't own them, they could attack you as well if you don't hold this weapon or you attack them
- Players who wear full set of shadow armor won't attack by them
- They're like zombie but faster and didn't burn from sunlight
- When undead has been killed it doesn't give any xp nor loots
- Can only naturally spawn via Necromancy Staff
Mystic Swords
- Mystic Swords are melee type weapon that deals high damage. Some sword has active skill, some has passive, some both have passive and active skill.
- Mystic Swords is also sword thus you can able to enchant it with any applicable enchanting for sword.
- They can craft like vanilla swords just use corresponding element stone shard.
- Mystic Swords can craft like vanilla swords just use corresponding element stone shard just like below
Evocation Blade (Earth)
Passive Skill: Summon evocation fang to a target that causes additional damage & slow them down for few seconds.
Active: Teleport the user upward and places pillar of dirt, good for escaping and climbing
- Cooldown: 3 seconds
- Damage: 8
- Durability: 140
Blazing Sword (Fire)
Passive Skill: A sword that set target on fire, if target has fire resistance effect this sword will remove it.
Active Skill: Places a horizontal line of fire from front of user to a direction where the user is looking at.
- Cooldown: 5 second
- Damage: 8
- Durability: 145
Scarlet Blade (Water)
Passive: The strongest mystic weapon that deals very high damage but has low durability. A user have 35% chance to lifesteal (replenish health) when dealing damage to a target.
- Lifesteal: 4 hearts
- Damage: 12
- Durability: 75
Shattered Blade (Ice)
Passive Skill: There's a 30% chance to slow a target when hit.
Active Skill: Place a temporary ice wall in front of a user to protect yourself from any incoming projectiles and to block enemies to your way.
- Cooldown: 3 seconds
- Damage: 9
- Durability: 145
Scimitar Crusader (Wind)
Passive Skill: A sword that levitate a target then will drop it that causes additional fall damage.
Active Skill: Give user a jump boost effect which last for few seconds
- Cooldown: 3 seconds
- Damage: 9
- Durability: 150
Lightning Sword (Lighting)
Active Skill: Strike lightning 4 blocks away in front of user. You can aim where to strike lightning.
- Cooldown: 3 seconds
- Damage: 8
- Durability: 140
Blade of Flicker (Light)
Active Skill: A sword that can instantly teleport a user to a designated direction with 6 blocks distance.
- Cooldown: 3 seconds
- Damage: 9
- Durability: 145
Cataclysm Blade (Dark)
Passive:A sword that causes explosion to a target thus it causes destruction of blocks and burn the area
- Damage: 8
- Durability: 140
- Battleaxe deal higher damage than swords and have higher durability but its abilities is not powerful as other they just giving a target with negative effects or positive effects to a user.
- Battleaxes can also be used to break any wood type block faster, fast as diamond axe.
- Battleaxes are also axe thus you can able to enchant it with any applicable enchanting for axe.
- Battleaxes can craft like vanilla axes, just use corresponding element stone shards.
Venom Axe (Earth)
A venomous axe which give additional continuous damage to a target using its poisonous blade.
- Damage: 11
- Effect Type: Poison
- Effect Duration: 3
- Durability: 250
Death Swift Axe (Lightning)
A lightning power allows you to travel with a speed of lightning thus it gives a user speed effect to easily distance yourself in combat.
- Damage: 10
- Effect Type: Speed
- Effect Duration: 3
- Effect Level: 2
- Durability: 250
Cerulean Edge (Water)
Feel like you're underwater with its element type of power thus it will make you slower to attack and mine.
- Damage: 10
- Effect Type: Mining Fatigue
- Effect Duration: 8
- Effect Level: 2
- Durability: 250
Frozen Axe (Ice)
An ice element type of power which can decrease your movement speed with its freezing power
- Damage: 10
- Effect Type: Slowness
- Effect Duration: 3
- Effect Level: 4
- Durability: 250
Gravity Axe (Wind)
A wind element type of power of this axe will levitate you through the air and then fall back to the ground which causes additional damage.
- Damage: 11
- Effect Type: Levitation
- Effect Duration: 2
- Effect Level: 5
- Durability: 250
Bloodcursed Edge (Fire)
A blade of axes could hurt you badly thus it set target with wither effect that causes additional continuous damage work like burning fire.
- Damage: 10
- Effect Type: Wither
- Effect Duration: 4
- Durability: 250
Cresent Axe (Light)
The target will randomly teleported to nearby places when hit.
- Damage: 10
- Durability: 250
Blind Edge (Dark)
The power of Dark element, let your sight be dark.
- Damage:11
- Effect Type: Blindness
- Effect Duration: 3
- Durability: 250
Mystic Armors
- Mystic Armors are gear protection to reduce incoming damages, each armors have different element type for each piece.
- When a wearer wear full set of same element type of armor, the wearer will trigger the skill of the armor, the skill is depend on what type of element it is.
- Mystic Armors are also armor thus you can able to enchant them with applicable enchantment for armor for each piece.
- Mystic Armors can be craft using element stone shards with the same pattern recipe as vanilla, just use corresponding element stones shards just like below.
Obstruction Armor (Earth)
- Gain resistance effect permanently
Firaga Armor (Fire)
- Gain fire resistance effect permanently
Azurelean Armor (Water)
- Gain conduit power effect while on water
Viridescent Armor (Wind)
- Gain slow falling effect permanently
Divine Armor (Light)
- Gain night vision effect permanently
- There's 30% chance that the attacker will teleport away from user
Thundersurge Armor (Lightning)
- Gain strength and speed effect permanently
Glacial Armors (Ice)
- Gain a Frost Walker ability, this Frost Walker effect will not destroy the ice as long as you're stepping on it, unlike the frost walker of enchanting
Shadow Armors (Dark)
- Sneak for 5 seconds (without doing any action) to enter in Stealth Mode.
- Stealth Mode: While on this mode you will become invisible including armors (except item you hold)
- You will exit in this mode when:
- You no longer sneaking
- You started to attack
- Place/mine block
- Open container
- Use item (such as eating, drinking, include using active skill of mystic weapon)
- Wearing this full set of armor causes undead to not attack you, no matter if you're in stealth mode or not.
Mystic weapon and armor can be repaired using element stone or element stone shard that is same element type to a weapon you want to repair. For example a fire type of weapon can be repaired with fire element stone or fire element stone shard.
Durability repair amount for weapon:
- Element stone shard: +15% of max durability
- Element stone: +70% of max durability
Durability repair amount for armor:
- Element stone shard: +15% of loss durability
- Element stone: +70% of loss durability
The less durability of armor have, the higher durability will be added when repaired
Combining Items to Repair
You can also combine two of the same weapon or armor to combine their durability. Can be done with anvil, grindstone or crafting table.
Where can you get Element Stones?
- Buy them in Wandering Trader
- You can purchased element stones for 12 emeralds, wandering trader sell upto two different kinds of stone and can purchase upto 4 times
- You can also loot them in following places/entities and here are the odds of chances to get them
Earth Stone
- Pillager Captain - 100%
- Woodland Mansion - 75%
- Abandoned Mineshaft - 20%
- Desert Pyramid - 10%
- Stronghold Library - 1%
Water Stone
- Burried Treasure - 100%
- Shipwreck - 75%
- Underwater Ruin - 35%
- Fishing - 0.01%
Ice Stone
- Ancient City - 75%
- Igloo - 50%
- Underwater Ruin - 15%
- Snow Village - 10%
Wind Stone
- End City - 100%
- Jungle Temple - 20%
- Shulker - 20%
Light Stone
- End City - 100%
- Pillager Outpost - 10%
- Enderman - 9%
Lightning Stone
- Charged Creeper - 20%
- Pillager Outpost - 10%
- Gift from Cat - 0.02%
Fire Stone
- Nether Bridge - 50%
- Ruined Portal - 50%
Dark Stone
- Phantom - 100%
- Desert Pyramid - 16%
- Gift from Cat - 0.02%
- Enderman - 9%
- 100% chance you can get any element stone upto 2 pcs. in Monster Room
- 100% chance you can get any element stone upto 3 pcs. when killing wither boss
The following experiments option is required to enabled to use the addon, otherwise it will not work!
- Additional Modding Capabilities
- Holiday Creator Features
- Molang Features