Addon: Progression Craft

Progression Craft is a Bedrock Edition of a harder Minecraft system progression. Heavily inspired by Sevtech, It takes it and makes its own twist as Bedrock modding is extremely limiting. In this add-on pack you will go from barely surviving and celebrating the usage of wooden tools, all the way to the modern age where you can automate! This Addonpack also has a quest progression you can follow, just be sure not to lose the book!
Created By Fallen Toast
For 1.18, have these settings enabled
Updated Options, Custom Biomes is necessary for rocks, sticks, and bushes to load!
(The Difficulty and Starting Map is your preference)
For 1.18, your starting chest might not appear, if so craft the first quest book in the inventory crafting table with 2 dirt. Also for multiplayer function!
Depending on your device this may be laggy, 1.18 already is laggy so lower your render distance. This is also a relatively big addonpack so it might not work for some people.
To help guide and track your progress you will be able to go through the guidebooks.
^Age 1 Tree above
(Quest Books are not to be followed numerically)
Quest Books once completed can give you a variety of quests and a reward!

Don't be overwhelmed by the number of books you can get at once, focus down a path until you have to follow another path.
At age 1, You will start from nearly nothing to wooden tools and leather!
Your bonus chest will have your first quest and a few early game foods and armor.
(Take the chest you will need it)
The crafting table is gone, start off by making a makeshift crafting table. You will notice that what you can craft is extremely limited!
From there make some leather to upgrade your crafting table, using Leather Tanner's method of making leather!
You will now have access to wood tools and no longer depend on low durability weapons to defend against zombies and skeletons!
Finally, upgrade to a primal crafting table to finish Age 1!
Some other pictures, From playtesters!
It is a somewhat grindy pack so expect not to get to the primal crafting table instantly.
Starter tips!
Craft the chopping block using any vanilla wood!
Right-Click or interact with your axe in your main hand! Right-click 5 times
Age 2!
Work throughout the primal age slowly and magically getting into the world of metal! Start off by accepting your transitional book or crafting quest 46 through the primal table.
To create a Soul Infuser Table you will need to create this pattern!
You will need Soul sparks to power any Ritual in Age 2!
You will need to enter the dangerous realm soon, so when the time comes get ready to use the corruption mush!
Starts with some foliage!
Corrupt it!