Addon: WasteLanders

WasteLanders, a post-apocalyptic addon that will guarantee you a new experience in Minecraft. This addon contains new hostile mobs, structures, biomes and food!
Cretared By The WTFverse
The first biome is called The Wastelands which is the home to some new mobs and new structures and a new block known as dead grass.
The other biome is known as the Scorched Lands, a burnt land home to the blood wings (more on them later) and where you can find the new blocks known as the bloodstone and scorched grass.
The new mobs will give you one heck of a challenge to you as you travel the lands.
The Cockroach, Wasteland Crawler and the Horn Fly will be the common foes you will encounter. They will drop new items (with the exception of the horn fly for now) that you will be able to use in the near future. Also Cockroaches drop meat to eat and cook so that you have something to eat since animals do not spawn anymore until the next update.
Rarer mobs are the Cave Crawler and the Tube Worm. they have no drops yet but will have an actual use besides trying to kill you.
The Scorpion and the Blood Wing. They spawn in the Wastelands and Scorched Lands respectively. The Scorpions spawn in the Wastelands and are the more lethal mobs of the two at least in one on one combat. The Blood Wings on the other hand are the most lethal mobs in this addon when they swarm you. They spawn anywhere in the scorched lands but are most commonly found in blood hives where they can easily swarm you.
Everglades is a swamp biome found where flora and fauna are recovering.
Use all experimental gameplay tabs!