8-08-2022, 22:26

Addon: Block Armor

3 426
Addon: Block Armor

 This Addon adds new Armor which are based off Blocks. Like Tnt Armor, Wool Armor, Leaves Armor, and even Furnace Armor. And All of them have special Abilities!

Created By Laiffoo

Dirt/Moss Block/Nether Wart and Warped wart Armor!

  •  Not the best Armors in the addon


Sugar Cane Armor

  • It's decent, but for the early game pretty useful 

Wool Armor

  •  Very Useful in the deep dark 

Soul Sand Armor

  • Makes everything soooo much slower.. for the player 

Snow Armor

  • Life Experience of becoming a snow Golem 

Leave Armor

  • Easy to get, yet weak 

Ice Armor

  • Pretty difficult to get, yet usefull 

Tnt Armor


Melon/Pumpkin Armor

  • Good for Early game, but wouldn't recommend if you got like 10 stacks golden Carrots 

Magma and netherrack armor

  • Wouldn't recommend if you have an hostile mob as pet 

Quartz/Quartz Brick armor

  • Pretty good for going in the Nether. Would recommend 

Lapis/Amethyst Armor

  • For mending it's a pretty good Armor

    End stone/End Brick/Purpur Armor
  • Not the best if you like to stand still 

Noteblock armor

  • If you want to annoy your non-existing friends while being protected 

Coal/Furnace/Blast Furnace/Smoker Armor

  • Smelting without coal has never been easier 

Sponge Armor

  • Good for an underwater base 

Tinted Glass

  • There is Armor, it's just invisible 

Glowstone/Shroomlight Armor


Prismarine/Prismarine Brick/Dark Prismarine Armor

  • Having conduit power without using an conduit 

Bone Armor

  • The Dogs will love you for this 

Stonebrick/Nether brick/Deepslate Brick/Obsidian/Crying Obsidian/Bedrock 

Download Block Armor (.mcaddon)

[225.34 Kb] Downloads: 1114


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Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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