Addon: Definitive Tree Capitator

Definitive Tree Capitator addon will allow you to remove an entire tree by chopping just one block, it is compatible with any addon since it does not use player.json, but rather it uses gametest and it will also make any custom axe from another addon work with the function of tree capitator granted by this addon, functional for Minecraft Bedrock 1.19.0 onwards.
Created By SystemTv
Subpack 🔨
This addon is divided into 2 game options for people who want to configure it to their liking.
Alse Custom: by default it comes in this configuration which allows all vanilla axes and customs (axes created by other addons) to work with the tree capitator ability.
Vanilla Only:this setting allows only vanilla axes to have the tree capitator ability, if you enable this custom axes from other addons will not have the tree capitator ability
Alse Custom Axe Config
To use this addon to work with other addons and custom axes and make it work correctly follow the steps below.
The first thing is to activate this function in the addon so that the axes of other addons can access the operation of the addon.
then activate the addon you want to use together with the tree capitator, put it first in case the other addon uses the player.json and also activate all the experimental games for the correct functioning of the addon.