1-08-2022, 22:16

Addon: River Monster

3 441
Addon: River Monster

This Addon Inspired by the famous tv series called the river monster u can find those monster fishes in this addon

Created By GoldenKinght YT

Peacock Bass A small fish attack small fishes and frogs NEW Goliath Tiger Fish Dangerous Fish it can eat you and eat other creatures as well so be aware dnt get close to the water too much


Arapaima Gigas u can find this monster fish into ur Minecraft Rivers they attack chicken salmon turtle rabbit cod

Goonch catfish most scariest catfish on this addon they attack players Salmons rabbits cod chicken etc 

Payara fish or u can call it vampire fish u can find them in ur Minecraft Rivers they are deadly they attack with thyre lower teeths they attack small animals like chicken cod other fishes 

Red tail catfish another giant catfish species u can find them in ur rivers they attack players rabbits chicken salmon fish turtle etc 

Download River Monster (.mcaddon)

[897.25 Kb] Downloads: 577


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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