Addon: Alien Expansion

Xenomorphs come in all shapes and sizes, this is the big chap cycle from the original Alien
Colonial Marine Xenomorphs
These are the new Xenomorphs introduced in Alien Colonial Marines, it includes the Lurker, boiler, spitter, crusher, and the raven
The Pathogen Creatures
First introduced in Alien: fireteam elite and it's prequel novel, these are some of the few non-xeno creatures in the franchise
The Deacon Shark and Deacon Monkey
These two are another example of non-xeno creatures that made their first and so far only appearance in the Fire and Stone comics
The Prowler and Burster
These appear in the same game as the pathogen creatures and are new forms of the runner
The Predalien
The Predalien is of course the hybrid of the Predator and The Xenomorph, it's one of the stronger ones in the films and is no different in this addon
This is only few of all the aliens you can encounter in this beautiful addon, once again this is just a beta that I thought should get out into the community to show off my hard work over the past few months, thank you for playing