30-05-2022, 14:25

Addon: Domestic Pets

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Addon: Domestic Pets

An amazing super complete add-on that brings even more fun to your Minecraft worlds! This addon currently contains more than 13 species of domestic animals for you to have in your worlds and with more than 80 variations of textures and models in total, with a lot of diversity and some fun easter eggs!

Created By Gabriel Castro



Cockatoos, lovers of music, they will spawn in the Jungle, with two predominant variants, Alba (All White) and Galerita (White with yellow crest). They can fly sometimes.

To tame, you must make a block that is being added in the addon, it is called music radio, attention IS NOT NOTEBLOCK OR JUKEBOX, even if it has the same appearance. then you must interact with this radio so that it plays a song for 10 seconds, the cockatoos that are close to the radio being played, will observe the sounds emitted and soon after they will try to reproduce them! If they succeed, they'll dance and sing, and if they fail, they'll just shake their heads. Once successful, she will drop a heart particle and you can tame her using sunflower seeds!

Breeding two cockatoos, you will get a chick with the genetics of one of the parents, if you do this process in a savanna, you can get a black and red chick (Rarely), and if you do it in a flower forest, you have a chance of the puppy being born pink and orange! To breed them, you can use Pumpkin Pie!



These adorable lovebirds spawn in meadows, always in pairs or groups, you can tame them using a apple. Once tamed, whenever two lovebirds approach within a two-block radius, they will fall in love, interact with each other, releasing multiple hearts and offering their owner regeneration effect if he is nearby within a six-block radius. This process can be repeated several times, but with an interval of 1 to 2 minutes, and only if they are close together.

To breed them the player can use sunflower seeds!



Cockatiels are great company, they are usually a bit skittish and will fly if you get close, they spawn in the savanna, usually in the wild mutation (Species), and you can tame them with sunflower seeds. Once tamed, and still with a skittish spirit, they will go into a state of alert whenever they detect a monster close to where you are, so she will be jumping, shivering and making various sounds, to alert you of an approaching danger.

By breeding them with bread, you can get up to 10 other variations of mutations, most of the chicks will pull their parents, and the ones that mutate will have a color similar to their parents, this genetics is stored so that when they reproduce, your chicks can carry the genetics, from parents, grandparents or any family degree! More than one chick can be generated per breed action.


They spawn in forests, currently found in gray, green, or blue, they move only with small flights, and you can tame them using sunflower seeds. No special abilities have been implemented for them yet.

They are also not breedable.



These small lizards can be found in the desert in two different color variants, the most common being the leopard gecko. They are spider hunters and will quickly attack any they come across. Sometimes they will drop their tail if they are in a threat of health, and then they will lie still like dead for a while, until their tail and health is regenerated! They can be tamed and breeded using spider eyes!



These turtles are excellent fishermen, spawn in rivers, and can be tamed with a new item called Fish Snacks! When tamed, they will roam lakes, rivers and any other place with water you put them in, looking for fish, they will kill any fish, and bring the loot fish dropped to you! They are also not breedable.



These are one of the most territorial fish out there! Spawning in rivers, they don't accept sharing space with others of their own kind. So they will always attack each other if you put them together! They can be collected in buckets and you can throw fish foods into the water so that they collect and feed on their own, regenerating their health. There are more than 12 variants, 3 of which are very rare, which are black, purple and cyan!



Silly, very silly, they spawn in jungle lakes, and are always swimming slowly and aimlessly, silly fish love to stay at the bottom of the water close to the ground, picking up any items that fall there, and eating them after a while! Don't worry if he takes your diamond boots, you can get them back by offering them some food in return! They also have many variants and you can collect them in a bucket!



They spawn in savannas, usually gray in color, but you can get other variants like albino and coal, breeding them! They are tamed with the new rodent food item. They are also very sensitive to water, and if they have any contact with water, they will get sick after a few seconds, and then take damage until they die permanently, without you being able to save them in any way, so watch out! If you interact with a tamed chinchilla, it will receive a pet and help you hunt the monsters it would usually run away from, for 1 minute, it will hunt them for you, and don't worry about the damage it receives, they can regenerate when they receive your affection!



Your best farmer friend has arrived! You can tame them with carrots by finding them in birch forests! Whenever you interact by offering a pet, they will help you collect carrots on the plantation, and bring them to you! They can also jump over fences and blocks up to 2 high, so be careful where you put your little friend!



Fast, cute, and very small, you can get guinea pigs in any grass covered biome. They are tamed with rodent food! They can follow your commands like sit or follow too, just like everyone else, but they still don't have any special abilities! They also have about 10 texture variations!

When they breed, they can generate up to 16 puppies, being common up to 8, but can extend to 16!



Found in forests and woods, they are very cute and can be spawned in two variants, the most uncommon being albino hedgehogs! You can tame them using sweet berries, and they will always defend you from threats, rolling up to enemies with their spikes, and flinging them away! They can be petted when you interact, but it's still nothing more than a very cute animated interaction! Warning, don't try to name your hedgehog... Sonic. Can be bred with rodent food!



The last animal on this cute and cuddly list are ferrets, which you can tame with Meat Snacks! They are carnivores, not rodents! And if they are wild, they will hunt chickens and rabbits. You can breed them with chicken or rabbit! And they can also be seated. Generate in up to 10 texture variations, some common others not so much!! They will spawn on taiga Biomes.


  • Music Radio: It's for the process of taming cockatoos! They are similar to noteblocks, but with different functions, don't confuse the two!
  • Fish Buckets: Bucket you receive after collecting a fish, it will release the fish of the variant that was collected, of course!
  • Pet Foods: Various pet foods added to tame, interact and/or feed!
  • Pet Collar: Every time you use it (interacting) on ​​a tamed animal, it will follow you! And you can also interact again to get it back!




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Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. Mara Kunz
    Mara Kunz

    This is a pretty bad mod, I would not recommend it due to many of the animals not being able to be tamed, such as the g-pig, ferrets, CHINCHILLAS, and more the rodent food just does not work. Other then that its a cute mod.