Addon: Bloodmoon

Want an additional challenge in your survival worlds? This addon can deliver! When a Blood Moon rises, monsters will spawn more aggressively; including monsters that don't usually spawn at night.
Created By ClouddSpiderr
This addon adds a new in-game event called a Blood Moon. When a Blood Moon rises, it causes a lot of different monsters to begin spawning, including some monsters that don't usually spawn during normal nights! You will know when a Blood Moon has risen because the moon will take on a red glow, and a message will show up in chat saying "The Blood Moon rises.."
Not only do Blood Moons introduce a challenging new survival mechanic, they also increase immersion by encouraging players to be more aware of the cycle of the moon to avoid being caught unprepared - it could be a matter of life or death. It's not all risk with no reward though..
During a Blood Moon, Endermen will also spawn more frequently, providing a unique, high-risk opportunity to farm Ender Pearls!
Blood Moons replace full moons, and as such occur once every eight in-game nights.
NOTE: Remember to turn on all experimental toggles