3-05-2022, 19:07

Addon: Pigs Drop OP Loot

26 482
Addon: Pigs Drop OP Loot

This is a behaviour pack which changes the drop table for pigs to include OP items and because sometimes it can be hard to find pigs so  added a simple recipe to make the experience more fun.

Created By RyanLawrence05


The pig has a a chance to drop any of the following:

  • diamonds 0-32
  • netherite tools and armour at any enchantment level
  • trident with level 0-30 enchantments
  • bottles of experience 0-64
  • arrows 0-2 stacks
  • anvils 0-64
  • bedrock 0-64
  • barrier blocks 0-10
  • enchanted bow with level 0-30 enchantments
  • iron ingots 0-32
  • enchanting table 0-32
  • gold ingots 0-32
  • tnt 0-64
  • obsidian 0-64
  • golden apples 0-64
  • notch apples 0-10
  • elytra
  • totem of undying
  • fireworks 10-32

it will drop from 1-4 of these items per kill and the more op the item is the less likely it is to drop. 

A new recipe which is easy to make because it includes 4 dirt and 1 carrot and will give you a pig spawn egg. 

Download Pigs Drop OP Loot (.mcpack)

[68.83 Kb] Downloads: 2928


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. admin


  2. DUDE

    This is awesome

  3. Inferno

    This is 10/10 mod :p