WorldEdit: Bedrock Edition (Selections and Limits!)

This is a Minecraft Bedrock addon port of the famous WorldEdit mod for Minecraft: Java Edition. The addon comes with custom commands to make building easier, and more fun! Not only that, there are also custom items to make it easier for anyone on any device to use this. Please note that this addon is currently in its beta stage, and requires experimental features. To be on the safe side, make a backup of your world.
Created By SIsilicon
What's New:
Creations made with WorldEdit
By: SIsilicon and Zookz
By: Rezza (Twitter)
By: Jee_B
By: EvilKiller321 (YouTube)
By: elCocoro (Twitter)
Join the discord to get YOUR creation featured on this page!
Please read the quick start section in Settings > How to Play while playing in a WorldEdit enabled world, for a short guide on how the addon works.
For more extensive information, please visit the addon's online documentation site ( If you have questions, please visit the doc's FAQ page.
WorldEdit: Bedrock Edition has many of the important features that the original mod has. This includes, but not limited to:
- Clipboard manipulation (Cut, Copy, Paste)
- Stacking blocks and regions
- Rotating and flipping regions
- Making cuboid region selections
- Powerful block patterns and masks
- Navigation commands
- Generating shapes
- Creating walls, lines and outlines
- Smoothing terrain
- Undo and redo
- Filling and replacing blocks
- Painting with brushes
- A convenient WorldEdit kit to access common features
These features will be added/planned in the future.
- More tools and brushes
- More selection shapes
- Saving and loading structures across worlds
- Advanced shape generation
- Modify biomes
- Palettes