22-05-2024, 10:24

Addon: Raiyon's Java Combat

25 116
Addon: Raiyon's Java Combat

Have you ever wanted your Bedrock experience to be closer to Java? This addon adds a combat system quite faithful to Java

Created By Lord Raiyon


Java combat is based on the cooldown which is a certain time with a weapon / tool in which you can do the maximum damage with it and can be visually seen as a loading bar below the cursor

Cooldown List

  • Sword 0.60
  • Trident 0.90
  • Any item other than a weapon / tool 0.25
  • Hoes 0.25
  • Wooden Axe 1.25
  • Stone Axe 1.25
  • Iron Axe 1.10
  • Golden Axe 1.0
  • Diamond Axe 1.0
  • Netherite Axe 1.0

Sweeping attack 

Attacking with a charged sword, you will make an attack that will damage all mobs near you only if it is not a critical hit

This attack is useful for farms since the mobs drop their items and xp when dying for it

Sweeping Edge Enchantment

Enchanting a sword with this enchantment increase the range and damage of the sweeping attack


The only way to get this enchantment is by trading with villagers for minecraft bedrock limitations 

This enchantment is compatible with others enchantments

Critical Hit

When do a critical hit, heart particles will appear and the minecraft java critical hit sound will sound.

knockback Sprint 

A mechanic similar to Java was added which is that when you sprint and you have at least the cooldown bar at 80% you will give more kb than normal(This for now works on players, with axe or sword)

This is useful to make combos

Shield and shield blocking 

When using a shield it will not push and you can block for 5 seconds attacking players with the active shield if attacking with an axe 

A player with a bloqued shield will look like this

The shield has a cooldown of 0.25 when used like java

  • Axes have the same damage as in minecaft java
  • End crystals have the same explosion damage as in minecraft java
  • When falling in a boat you will not receive fall damage like miencraft java 

Cooldown Animation



  • To update the addon it is necessary to delete previous versions!
  • For the addon to work properly it is necessary turn on experiments 

Download Raiyon's Java Combat 1.20.40-1.20.80 (.mcaddon)

[1.14 Mb] Downloads: 1777

Download Raiyon's Java Combat With Cooldown Animation 1.20.80 (.mcaddon)

[1.43 Mb] Downloads: 1494


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. admin

    Скорее всего версия чуть не совпадает, предполагаю что под версию 1.19.21
    Мы обновим его скоро под последнюю версию

  2. Domino

    Вот либо я дибил,либо что-то не так работает,ведь когда я бью мечом(заряженной атакой)то по площади урон не проходит(даже анимации нет),так же после каждой атаки должна проходить перезарядка,а она есть только когда я достаю оружие,возможно из-за версии Майнавсе работает не так,так как моя версия 1.19.62,а мод сделан под 1.19(все функции врубил как показано если что)

    Подскажите,пожалуйста,возможно я просто не так устанавливаю или что-то в этом роде

    Заранее спасибо!

  3. Domino

    Можно спросить, а вы будете в ближайшее время обновление на последнюю версию майнкрафта,просто пока что он не работает сами знаете почему