10-04-2022, 18:10

Addon: Morph

44 356
Addon: Morph

Created By CookieDookie

Have you been wondering how to be a mob just like the zombie or creeper? Well now, you can be a mob now using this addon. This addon makes you morph into mobs like pigs or cows.

How To Morph

To morph into any other mobs, you need an item called Soul Catcher. To be able to obtain the Soul Catcher, you need to find one in the chest of a Nether Fortress. 

To morph, you need to use the Soul Catcher and hit a mob to get their soul. And then, you can right-click (Hold the screen in mobile) the soul to transform into a mob of that soul. To transform back as a player, you have to use the Soul of a Player that is in your inventory. Once the durability of the Soul Catcher is all used up, instead of the item breaking, it will be discharged (The same concept as what Elytra have) To be able to use it again, you need to charge it in the Soul Campfire.



This is the list of mobs you can morph for now:

  • Zombie
  • Cow
  • Skeleton
  • Chicken
  • Creeper
  • Sheep
  • Spider
  • Pig
  • Enderman
  • Bat
  • Zombified Piglin
  • Fox
  • Drowned
  • Villager
  • Wither Skeleton
  • Snow Golem
  • Blaze
  • Cat
  • Husk
  • Wolf
  • Piglin
  • Salmon
  • Iron Golem
  • Axolotl
  • Stray
  • Ocelot
  • Vindicator
  • Cod
  • Hoglin
  • Squid
  • Piglin Brute
  • Llama
  • Cave Spider
  • Mooshroom
  • Zombie Villager
  • Goat
  • Wither
  • Dolphin
  • Zoglin
  • Bee


Craftable Spawn Eggs

You can now craft spawn eggs! The recipe is shapeless, with 1 egg and 1 soul of any mobs.

Known Issues

  1. When you are a wither skeleton and you hit a mob, they don't get the wither effect. 
  2. If you transform into other mobs and it gives you back the soul, the /give message shows up. To fix this, type /gamerule sendcommandfeedback false
  3. When you are a husk and you hit a mob, they don't get the hunger effect. 
  4. Vindicators don't show the items in their hands 
  5. Morphing from a mob that has a special item like a bow to another mob, it will just gonna clear the other item in your inventory (Ex. It cleared your maxed enchanted bow instead of clearing the skeleton bow) and now the special item is now stuck on your inventory FOREVER without commands.
  6. Swimming animation of some mobs are broken where their body is off-center like iron golem 



New Mobs!

  • Cave Spider - A spider that can inflict poison (BUGGED) and smaller!
  • Mooshroom - A cow but it's a mushroom where you can milk it with a bowl to get mushroom stew!
  • Zombie Villager - Can be cured with weakness and golden apple!
  • Goat - Have less fall damage and can jump high!
  • Wither - The first boss mob that got added!
  • Dolphin - Cute aquatic mobs that everyone loves!
  • Zoglin - A very dangerous type of hoglin!
  • Bee - A cute flying bug that can pollinate crops!


  • Added a new item called Morphing Bracelet. It's not functional for now so you can only obtain it via commands.

Changes and Fixes

  • Morphed iron golem walking animation now matches the vanilla animation
  • Removed the buggy sneaking animation of the chicken
  • Villagers now have a hitting animation
  • Fixed the first person hands of the cow and sheep
  • Piglin Brute now have attack damage of 3.5 hearts instead of the default one
  • Llama can now be ridden by players
  • Spider is now immune to poison
  • Fixed a bug where you can't craft the Cat Spawn Egg with Tamed Baby Ragdoll Cat Soul and an Egg
  • Fixed a popular bug that suffocates players who are morphed into mobs that have less than one block collision box when going to one block holes
  • Fixed a glitch where morphing into a Baby Cow doesn't give the previous soul back
  • You can't name tag Squids, Piglin Brute, and Llama anymore
  • Skeleton and Stray's left arms are now hidden in the first person because their arms are lowered unlike zombies
  • Villagers will now get infected and turn to a zombie villager when killed by a zombie or husk
  • Fixed a lag when morphing using a soul
  • Aquatic mobs now mine faster underwater
  • Holding poppy as an Iron Golem now shows in its hands
  • As an Iron Golem, baby villagers now sometimes look at you when holding a poppy
  • Soul Catcher is now more balanced where it has durability so players wouldn't use this as a weapon to one hit mobs. When it used all of the durability, instead of the item breaking, the item is just unusable. To be able to use it again, you have to smelt it to a soul campfire.
  • You cannot craft the soul catcher anymore. A way to obtain them is by getting them in the chest of the nether fortress.
  • Llama have now fixed health instead of ranged health
  • Creeper exploding animation now matches the vanilla creeper exploding animation
  • Creeper exploding sound now matches the real creeper exploding sound
  • Hoglin now converts to Zoglin when it is in the overworld
  • This addon is now updated to 1.18.10!
  • Fixed a bug where all soul items have the same textures in 1.18.10
  • Iron golems also now have cracking and repairing feature

Download morph_addon.mcaddon (.mcaddon)

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Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. Шалкер

    У меня версия и у меня багнутый кот он черный и ещё у меня превращение не выподает 

  2. Nefts

    жаль, что не работает на 1.20.60

  3. Вай вай вай
    Вай вай вай

    Мод конечно прикольный но ты слишком быстрый,и коты и собаки черные

  4. Квас

    Мод крутой и рабочий на когда превращаешся в кота или волка то текстурыне прогружаются и когда превращается в летающего моба то он почему-то не летает 

  5. ...

    Аоаоаоао адонн рабочий скачивайте не пожелеите!!!