Addon: The Battle of Pillager (Humanoid Infantry Update)
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Created By Garen GamerS 2
The Battle of Pillager, Illager and Villager use ww2 weapon too fight! Some Mobs use kar, m4a1, heavy machine gun, and also mortar!Most of cool things,they are will like Battle Royal Games.
Illagers :
- Modified Pillager, use KAR
Pillagers are modified too use Kar, every shoot Delay is 3 second.
- Mortar Illager,use Mortar

Mortar Illager is very strong! He could shoot bomb, but with delay : 5 second.
- Aircraft Illager
Aircraft Illager still in processing! So don't be mad.
- Assault Illager

Assault Illager, use m4a1 and shoot 30 bullet per reload.
- Artillery Illager
Artillery Illager is strong, shoot bomb every 5 second (probaly).
Villagers :
- Rifle Infantry Villager
Rifle Villager,shoots 30 bullet per reload.
- Heavy Machine Gun Villager

Heavy Machine Gun Villager, very strong! Shoots 60 Heavy Bullet per reload.
- Artillery Villager
NEW ! Humanoid Infantry Mobs :
- Steve Rifle Infantry
- Alex Rifle Infantry
- Steve Mortar Infantry
Attention :
- Piglin and Piglin Brute also changed like illagers and villagers.
- Some mobs are only can be spawned with /summon.
Added :
- Steve Rifle Infantry
- Alex Rifle Infantry
- Steve Mortar Infantry
Improved :
- Aircraft Fighter Illager Infantry
- Artillery Villager Infantry