5-04-2022, 15:48

Addon: MineCars

16 697
Addon: MineCars

Created by By RandomKerbal

Ever looking for an addon that adds vanilla-styled vehicles to Minecraft? And all you find is some weird modern cars addon? No worries! Here at Random Kerbal's Institute, we have the solution for you (probably not the best...but anyway)!

Introducing the:

"MineCars" Addon!

(not *minecarts*)

100% Survival-friendly!


I have spent over half a year working on this to ensure that: every little aspect (from visuals to functionalities) are contemplated, none of the "bugs" become "features", have a code that is as optimised as possible, as well as to provide a pleasing experience for the users. Please enjoy :)

NEW FEATURES! (for those who downloaded this addon before):

This good quality addon adds 6+1 new vehicles as well as 7 wagons for more customisation:


Default Minecar

Lantern Minecar

Spike-shovel Minecar

Chest Minecar

Drill Minecar

Shooter Minecar

NEW: Soul Lantern Minecar

(& more in the future?)

They may look like minecarts, but they are fuel-powered and can move without rails!


General Information (applied to all minecars):

-can be fuelled/refuelled by crouching and interacting with a combustible item:

More condensed fuel sources (coal block/lava/kelp block) power the vehicle longer, while lighter fuel sources (coal item/blaze powder/wood) power the vehicle for a shorter time.

-can be repaired by iron ingots

-can be leashed (in case u ran out of fuel)

-can pull vanilla Minecarts

-tilt according to the terrain steepness!


-special breaking animation!


Default MineCar (name: Reliant)



-father of all minecars




Lantern MineCar (name: Lumine)


-has custom-made dynamic lighting!

-lantern can be turned on and off (by crouching while interacting)

-best for scouting missions!



Tired of the boring Lantern Minecar?

Introducing its companion:

Soul Lantern MineCar (name: Spirit)


-scare away piglins!

-absorb the soul of mobs (except player) within a 3 block radius and give them weakness

custom soul absorbing particle

-has soul speed enchantment on wheels, it doesn't get slowed down by soul sand like other vehicles!


Spike-shovel MineCar (name: Rammer)


-first-ever "compound entity" (two entities attached together to act as one). This will create some possible bugs, including player sitting on the wrong sit if the riding entity failed to spawn, as well as not being able to go through portals

-has a spikey shovel for damaging mobs (2.5 hearts per tick)

-mobs can stuck onto the shovel when you're dashing at your victim at high speed (and take constant damage)!

-mobs will leave a bloodstain which can be washed off by driving into water or rain

-best for protecting your base!


You will need to craft a spikey shovel first:

Then combine it with a minecar:

*It is not wise to ram creepers!*




Chest MineCar (name: Chestnut)


(texture of chest has been changed, the one shown in picture is outdated)

-has, well, a CHEST!

-has the inventory of a chest

-inventory cannot be sieved by hoppers

-better than donkeys!




Drill MineCar (name: Groundbreaker)


-has a large drill for mining

-harder blocks (stone, blackstone) are mined SLOWER than softer blocks (dirt, gravel)

-cannot break extremely hard blocks (obsidian, bedrock, diamond ore)

-can damage mobs when drill activated (3 heart per tick)

-has a cooldown for 5 seconds after mining hard blocks for about 12 seconds (the feature I spend most time working on)


A screenshot of cooldown in-game

-now come with DYNAMIC LIGHTING!

-drill can be turned on/off

-best for mining expeditions!


You will need to craft a drill head first:


Then combine it with a minecar:





Shooter MineCar (name: Blaster)


-second "compound entity" (refer to Rammer)

-has a big boi gun

-crouch and interact to change modes:

Mode1: Multishot Triple-Arrows

Basic and Versatile

Mode2: Flamethrower

Never use this mode in a forest...


Mode3: Cannonball

Can destroy your terrain, like TNT (here I disabled Mob Griefing)

Mode4: Missile

Like cannonball but your terrain is safe!

-Cannonball, Missile modes requires a longer charging time

-Multishot, Flamethrower requires a shorter charging time

-gun can be turned on/off

Note: Big thanks to creator MNO's addon: "Miniguns & Landmines" for the Cannonball & Missile projectiles!


You will need to craft the gun first:

Then combine it with a minecar:


The recipe of the Minecart is also changed to be more logical. Now you need to first craft a set of wheels:

Then, put the materials as follow:



-The Wagons-

If you want more functionalities for your MineCar, feel free to add some wagons!

There are two ways to spawn the wagons:

1-use the spawn eggs in the Creative Inventory

2-use their respective items (couplers) to interact with the MineCar.

Note: The wagons can be attached to the MineCar using the wagon items (couplers), but NOT the spawn eggs. You can find both in the Creative Inventory, just make sure you use the correct one.

Here are the wagons currently in this addon:


Passenger Wagon (coupler)


-carry 1 player/mob



Chest Wagon (coupler)


-has inventory



Double Chest Wagon (coupler)


-has MOAR inventory



Hopper Wagon (coupler)


-has a hopper



TNT Wagon (coupler)


-has a TNT

-explodes due to fall damage, nearby explosions, or fire



Flatbed Wagon (coupler)


-carry up to 2 entities when deployed

-can be deployed/retracted



Railplacer Wagon?

-coming soon



Wagon Teleportation Feature!

-the wagons will teleport to their parent MineCar if they are too far away (about 14-15 blocks)

-since it uses an "ID" system, it is recommended not to have too many caravans in one world

An example caravan that you could make:




To install this addon,

You do NOT need to turn on any experiments

Minimum game version 1.16

Supports English & Chinese languages

Download minecars_addon.mcaddon (.mcaddon)

[2.67 Mb] Downloads: 1468


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: admin

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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