3-04-2022, 18:15

Addon: Fortnite Battlecraft

20 286
Addon: Fortnite Battlecraft

Created By Four Worlds Studios

Fortnite Battlecraft is a FORTNITE style addon.Search Structures for the best loot before tracking down your enemies and killing them. Search in Structures for Loot that will give you the advantage.

The Structures


Gas Stations


Wooden Hut


Tree Stops



The Gameplay

The best way to play this add-on is with friends, Although you can play by yourself.

The aim of this add-on is to find the best loot and take down your enemy, if you are playing single player you can take down the bosses to get the best loot this Season has to offer. 

Loot Crate

These can be found in structures, break them to see what loot you get 

Ammo Box

These can be found in structures, break them to see what ammo you get 

Food Box

These can be found in stuctures, break them to see what food you get


Findable Items


Guns come in five rarities, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary. From left to right the colour will indicated the rarity.

The higher the rarity the stonger the bullet.



Sub Machine Gun


Assult Rifle



Food can be found in Food Boxes and will give you can a little hunger to get you through whatever challenge you are facing 



Slurp Bars can be found in Loot Boxes they will give you a regeneration boost to help you in a battle 

The Slurp Bar will give you Regen for 10 seconds the Large Slurp Bar will give you Regen for 40 seconds



Walls are a great way of gaining some protection when out in the open. Walls will protect you from enemy fire but be warned the Wood Wall does not have a lot of HP so they will not last very long. Placing a Wall between you and an enemy could be the difference between winning or losing a battle.



Bosses will spawn in their own Biomes (in later updates they will have their own structures)

If you manage to defeat a Boss they will have a change to drop a piece of armor or their weapon.


Iron Man

Iron Man Boss (500HP)

The Iron Man Boss wll spawn in the Desert, killing him will get you some cool items

you have the chance to get:

Iron Man Helmet (Same durabilty and netherite)

Iron Man Chestplate (Same durabilty and netherite)

Iron Man Leggings (Same durabilty and netherite)

Iron Man Boots (Same durabilty and netherite)

The Iron Man boots are a little rarer then the rest and will give you the jump boost and slow falling ability as long as you are wearing them. 

Iron Man Blaster

The Iron Man Blaster can shoot a plasma bullet doing 24 damage per shot 

It will take 3 seconds to charge inbetween shots and hold enough charge for 100 shots

Iron Man Blaster Power Cell

This will reload your Blaster when it is empty






Deadpool Boss (300HP)

The Deadpool Boss wll spawn in the Swamps, killing him will get you some cool items

you have the chance to get:

Deadpool Helmet (Same durabilty and chain)

The Deadpool Helmet is a little rarer then the rest and will give you the Regeneration ability as long as you are wearing them.

Deadpool Chestplate (Same durabilty and chain)

Deadpool Leggings (Same durabilty and chain)

Deadpool Boots (Same durabilty and chain) 


Deadpools Katana

It has the same durability as a Netherite Sword and will do 16 damage per hit 




Spider-Man Boss (300HP)

The Spider-Man Boss wll spawn in the Plains, killing him will get you some cool items

you have the chance to get:

Spider-Man (Same durabilty and chain)

Spider-Man Chestplate (Same durabilty and chain)

The Spider-Man Chestplate is a little rarer then the rest and will give you the Strength ability as long as you are wearing them.

Spider-Man Leggings (Same durabilty and chain)

Spider-Man Boots (Same durabilty and chain) 


Spider-Man Web Shooter

The Web Shooter can get you from one place to another faster then walking, Shoot your Web and you will swing a short distance, The Web can also be used as a weapon doing 12 damage per shot and get the victim the slowness effect for a few seconds. 100 Shots before refill. 

Spider-Man Web Fluid

Use this to refill your Web Shooter



Wolverine Boss (300HP)

The Wolverine Boss wll spawn in the Forests, killing him will get you some cool items

you have the chance to get:

Wolverine (Same durabilty and chain)

Wolverine Chestplate (Same durabilty and chain)

The Wolverine Chestplate is a little rarer then the rest and will give you the Strength, Speed and Regeneration ability as long as you are wearing them.

Wolverine Leggings (Same durabilty and chain)

Wolverine Boots (Same durabilty and chain) 

Wolverine Claws

It has the same durability as a Netherite Sword and will do 14 damage per hit 



Experimental Feature Required




Gives back 4 hunger bars



Gives back 4 hunger bars



Gives back 4 hunger bars



Give back 4 hunger bars




  • Type = Pistol
  • Rarity = Common
  • Damage Per Bullet = 6.5
  • Durability = 16
  • Range = Short
  • Fire Rate = 0.7 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Pistol
  • Rarity = Uncommon
  • Damage Per Bullet = 7.0
  • Durability = 16
  • Range = Short
  • Fire Rate = 0.7 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Pistol
  • Rarity = Rare
  • Damage Per Bullet = 7.5
  • Durability = 16
  • Range = Short
  • Fire Rate = 0.7 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Pistol
  • Rarity = Epic
  • Damage Per Bullet = 8.0
  • Durability = 16
  • Range = Short
  • Fire Rate = 0.7 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Pistol
  • Rarity = Legendary
  • Damage Per Bullet = 9.0
  • Durability = 16
  • Range = Short
  • Fire Rate = 0.7 Seconds
  • Upgradable = No





  • Type = Assult Rifle
  • Rarity = Common
  • Damage Per Bullet = 10.0
  • Durability = 30
  • Range = Mid
  • Fire Rate = 0.2 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Assult Rifle
  • Rarity = Uncommon
  • Damage Per Bullet = 10.5
  • Durability = 30
  • Range = Mid
  • Fire Rate = 0.2 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Assult Rifle
  • Rarity = Rare
  • Damage Per Bullet = 11.0
  • Durability = 30
  • Range = Mid
  • Fire Rate = 0.2 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Assult Rifle
  • Rarity = Epic
  • Damage Per Bullet = 11.5
  • Durability = 30
  • Range = Mid
  • Fire Rate = 0.2 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Assult Rifle
  • Rarity = Legendary
  • Damage Per Bullet = 12.5
  • Durability = 30
  • Range = Mid
  • Fire Rate = 0.2 Seconds
  • Upgradable = No





  • Type = Sub Machine Gun
  • Rarity = Common
  • Damage Per Bullet = 3.5
  • Durability = 30
  • Range = Short
  • Fire Rate = 0.2 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Sub Machine Gun
  • Rarity = Uncommon
  • Damage Per Bullet = 4.0
  • Durability = 30
  • Range = Short
  • Fire Rate = 0.2 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Sub Machine Gun
  • Rarity = Rare
  • Damage Per Bullet = 4.5
  • Durability = 30
  • Range = Short
  • Fire Rate = 0.2 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Sub Machine Gun
  • Rarity = Epic
  • Damage Per Bullet = 5.0
  • Durability = 30
  • Range = Short
  • Fire Rate = 0.2 Seconds
  • Upgradable = Yes



  • Type = Sub Machine Gun
  • Rarity = Legendary
  • Damage Per Bullet = 6.0
  • Durability = 30
  • Range = Short
  • Fire Rate = 0.2 Seconds
  • Upgradable = No


Download Fortnite Battlecraft (.mcaddon)

[1.98 Mb] Downloads: 1946


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Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: admin

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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