31-03-2022, 13:26

Addon: Bum_Flora!

11 066
Addon: Bum_Flora!

Created By ClouddSpiderr

Do you wish Minecraft had more flora?
Bring your world to life with a myriad of new hand-crafted flowers and plants made to be as identical to vanilla plants as possible! 


Each plant has been hand-crafted, with special attention applied to their appearance and behaviors to ensure they behave as identical to vanilla plants as possible.  All of the plants included in this addon will generate naturally in your worlds and different varieties can be found across different biomes in your world!


In addition to new flowers, this addon also introduces two other useful plants - Cattails and Briars!





Cattails are a type of marsh grass that can commonly be found around swamps, creeks, rivers, and ponds. They grow long reeds with a dense head of puffy seeds on the top that, once ripened, will explode into a shower of thousands of puffy floating seeds! 

Cattail plants will be one of the more common plants you encounter near non-coastal waters in your world. Harvesting cattails will allow you to craft Cattail Reeds which can be used as a poor, but common early-game fuel source.




Briars, also know as Brambles, are a type of thorny bush that cut and stab anything that is unfortunate enough to stumble into them.. They're commonly found in forests and other shady, wooded areas. Some folks use them as natural fences.. and nothing is different here!

Unlike flowers, briars cannot be cloned so any briars you need will have to be sourced from the wilderness. They provide a powerful utility as traps and defensive walls against both monsters and players, as any entities that stumble into the bush will begin taking damage every second until they get out of the bush! 

It's important to know that briars cannot kill - only hurt!



  • Yellow and White varieties!
  • Plains, Forest, and Taiga biomes!



  • Pink, White, Blue, and Purple varieties!
  • Taiga and Mountain biomes!



  •  (mostly Birch) Forest biomes!


  •  Pink and Blue varieties!
  • Plain, Mountain, and Forest biomes!



Morning Glory

  • Mountain and Taiga biomes!


  • Red, Orange, Yellow, and White varieties!
  • Taiga, Forest, and Plain biomes!



  • Mountain, Birch, and Roofed biomes!




  •  Plain, Mountain, and rarely Forest biomes!



Small Rose

  •  Flower Forest and Sunflower Field biomes!
  • Rare rose with a big secret..



Gold Rose

  • How does one obtain it? .. I won't tell..
  • Rumored to possess "supernatural qualities"

Remember to turn on experimental toggles:

Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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