27-03-2022, 17:53

Addon: Godzilla Greatest Enemies

14 411
Addon: Godzilla Greatest Enemies

Created By Monster122 


  • When dies he transform into more powerful version enough to withstand Burning Godzilla's attack.
  • Health:1890000
  • Attack:38000
  • Horn slice:100000
  • Oxygen Beam(per hit):38000

Shin Destroyah 

  • More powerful than the default one But because of that transformation he can't Regenerate himself.
  • Health:77700000
  • Attack:580000
  • Horn slice:950000
  • Super oxygen Beam (per hit):989500
  • Chest beam (per hit):8995500

Space Godzilla 

  • A Celestial version of Godzilla, when he dies he can transform into the Charged version.
  • Health:1990000
  • Attack:38000
  • Crystal attack:18000
  • Corona beam (per hit):37000
  • Super Corona beam (per hit):41000

Charged space Godzilla 

  • The charged version of space Godzilla.
  • Health:2750000
  • Attack:40000
  • Crystal attack:18000
  • Super Corona beam (per hit):41000
  • Lightning beam(per hit):40000


  • A mutated Plant Kaiju Ready to Destroy Godzilla.
  • Health:1790000
  • Attack:37200
  • Vine attack:37200
  • Pull attack:18000
  • Bite:45000
  • Poison beam (per hit):38000

Note: When she dies she can revive herself into 
Form-1 making her Immortal, the only thing you do to Is to Kill the Form-1 so she can't revive herself.

The Form-1 can produce Poisonous smoke with a range of 200 blocks. 

In the image above,The Form-1 indicates that she's ready to transform into the Final form.

Armor and weapons

We can't stop these kaijus without the weapon and Armor.

Photon armor 

The strongest and only Armor in this addon, can withstand Burning Godzilla's attack and shin Destroyah.

How to craft it? 

You need a plenty of nether star,end crystal, and Netherite Ingot to craft the photon ingot.

Before crafting the chestplate, you need a one item to craft it. 

Photon star 

After crafting some plenty of Photon stars, you can now craft the chestplate. 

After that you can combine it with obsidian and Photon helmet to have a full product  

And now you have the most durable Armor in this addon.

Oxygen Sword 

A weapon that can kill any titan.

How to craft it? 

You need gold and nether star to craft the Oxygen blade

Then you need a nether star and stick to craft the sword.

Super Oxygen sword

Enough to kill Shin Destroyah

How to craft it? 

You need a Photon star,Photon ingot and emerald to craft the super oxygen ingot. 

Then craft the Hardened super oxygen ingot. 

And for the blade you need 2 Super oxygen ingot and your Oxygen sword. 

To access these weapon armor and items, you need to turn on Holiday Creators Features 

Download Godzilla Greatest Enemies (.mcaddon)

[21.93 Mb] Downloads: 3672


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Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: admin

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. Ghidorah
    Shin Destoroyah,

    Разрушитель >>> Био, ты должен посмотреть фильмы хейсей сначала, а потом писать комменты. 

  2. Gigan 2004
    Gigan 2004

    I have some suggestions for the next add on updates/ У меня есть предложения для следующих обловлений аддона. 

    Health/ Здоровье: 1950000 points/ единиц 

    Have some devastating attacks that can probably break Photon Armour/ У него есть ужасные атаки которые могут сломать Фотонную Броню. 

    Health/Здоровье: 1590000 

    Can shoot fire rings/ Может пускать огненные кольца 

    Megalon/ Мегалон

    Health/ Здоровье: 1690000 

    Can shoot powerful beam from the top of his head that causes 31000 damage per hit/ Может стрелять мощным лучем из своей головы который наносит 31000 урона за удар. 
    M.O.G.U.E.R.A./ Могера 

    Is a robot that helps you to slain the titans. Это робот который помогает вам уничтожать титанов. 

  3. Shin Destoroyah
    Shin Destoroyah

    Аддон круто, но у биолланте мало хп у него хотя бы 1899000 должн быт. 

  4. Семëн

    Этот Адон лучший я ему ставлю ЛАЙК

    Адон просто бомба

    Годзилла там нормальная Конг тоже меха бомба

    Было смешно когда все пропали