Addon: Project Prehistoric

Created By Hipman
Project Prehistoric a Minecraft Bedrock Add-on that allows the player to revive dead dinosaurs by going underground and digging up fossils and collecting dna and genes then the player can ride the extinct animals and tame them and interact with them!
Current Dinosaurs:
Tyrannosaurus Rex
New generating ores:
Crossphite, Titanium, Aluminum, Fossil Ore
Weapons & Tools & Armor:
Crossphite set
Titanium Set
Aluminum set
Electric Prod
these new machinery help bring back the extinct creatures! but in order to do that you must go out and collect the necessary resources like aluminum and fossils etc... all amchines can be found under the anvil tab or search it all machines can be crafted at the
Tool Workbench:
Tool Workbench Recipe: 5 oak planks 2 aluminum plates 1 iron ingot
Fossil Cleaner : when you mine fossils bring them over to this machine to clean them! you have a chance to either get a good fossil or a bad fossil
Recipe: 6 aluminum plates 2 redstone dust 1 glass plane
DNA Extractor: once you have enough good fossils come to this machine with a empty test tube and get viable dna for the next step
Recipe for machine: 6 aluminum plates 2 redstone dust 1 stone block
Recipe for test tube: 1 glass block
Recipe for Dna: Good fossils of target dino and Empty Test Tube
DNA Combiner: once you have enough viable dna tubes use this machine to get Viable Genes to propare for the next step in making a dinosaur
Recipe for Machine:
Recipe for Genes: viable Dna
Genes Injector: you've made it to the final step! all you need is a chicken egg and the genes and combine them in this machine!
Recipe for machine: 6 aluminum plates 2 iron ingots 1 redstone dust
Recipe for Egg:
This addon also adds alot of new decoration blocks for park and exhibit like:
- Rotten logs, rock Piles, Mud Blocks
- sittable benchs, mini trash cans
- New metal Fences and more!
Bug Fixes:
-New patch to fix block geometries
-Fiexed Titanium Ingot texture not showing ingame
-Weapons/Tools no longer have infinite durability
Block Updates:
-Machine Blocks & Tool WorkBench added to Anvil Tab
-Benches have been added to Bed Tab
-Machines now have new recipes dealing with aluminum plates
New Blocks:
Added Rotten Logs for more exhibits decorations
Added Mud blocks- drops mud balls that can be thrown and can be smelted to get mud ingots to make Mud bricks
-Added Rock piles for decoration
-Add Aluminum ores
New Items:
-Added mud balls: can be smelted into mud ingots to make Mud Bricks
-Added Mud Ingot: used to make Mud Bricks
-Added raw aluminum
-Added Aluminum Ingot
-Added Aluminum Plate
New Tools/Weapons:
-Added Titanium Tools
-Added Titanium Sword
Dinosaur update:
Added a new skin to tyrannosaurus rex
New Dinosaurs: