23-02-2022, 02:07

Addon: Ultimate Shields

14 371
Addon: Ultimate Shields

Created By TrueCowboy
[Compatible with any addon] Need a better shield? well you'll even have to choose. from large to small shields and shields with functions equal to the netherite immune to fire. what to expect and try this addon.



Wood shield:

A very simple shield, very good to start the adventure



Copper shield:

a copper shield better than a conventional shield



Gold shield:

of gold? at least it looks good



Iron shield:

a strong and durable shield. It is a very good choice to have one of these




Diamond shield:

An excellent and durable shield



Netherite shield:

The best shield, a lot of durability and the best thing is that it is immune to fire


Dripstone shield:

Don't have time to load a sword? with this shield it deals damage when you hit. so it is recommended to use in the right hand

damage: 5

Magma shield:

A shield of magma, similar to dripstone but instead of dealing damage, it burns your enemies.

Classic shield:

A more classic shield



Golden classic shield:

is golden for at least


Diamond classic shield:

a good shield and with an excellent aspect



Netherite classic shield:

An excellent shield, durable and immune to fire

Circle shield:


Diamond circle shield:

a good shield and with an excellent aspect


Netherite circle shield:

An excellent shield, durable and immune to fire

Turn on experiments:

Download ultimate-shields.mcaddon (.mcaddon)

[44.02 Kb] Downloads: 926


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Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: admin

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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