Addon: Swords and More Swords

This addon adds a total of 37 magic swords with special powers such as the wither sword that withers everything in its path, the sponge sword that adsorbs nearby water, the ice sword that freezes enemies and many others.
Creted By Effect99MC
Wet Sponge Sword NEW
- -Durability: 64
- -Damage: 3
- -Enchantable: false
- -Repairable: true (Sponges and more sponges.)
- -Special skills: none
- -How to create or get it:
When wetting the sponge sword.
Bee Stinger (Bee Sword) NEW
- -Durability: 1080
- -Damage: 5
- -Enchantable: true
- -Repairable: true (bee sword, honeycomb, honey block)
- -Special skills:
- When attacking the enemies you will release from time to time small aggressive bees that will defend you.
- Description:
- Flowers will appear from time to time, when you walk through grass.
- How to create or get it:
- When a bee stings you, it will drop its stinger with a 2% percent chance.
• Blaze Sword
-Durability: 2300
-Damage: 6
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills:
By right-clicking or pressing the screen, your body will levitate for a few seconds and then launch several small fireballs in the direction you are looking.
The fire won't hurt you.
Sometimes you will throw fireballs when hitting entities.
Small fireballs will not be able to approach you within a radius of 7.
Blaze rods will surround you around your body.
Your body will turn somewhat orange.
-How to create or get it:
A snow golem must kill a blaze this will release it with 0.5%
• Coal Sword
-Durability: 121
-Damage: 4
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (With coal, sticks and the same sword.)
-Special skills: None (It only serves as fuel for the furnace.)
-How to create or get it:
Two blocks of coal and a stick. • Shulker sword
-Durability: 2609
-Damage: 6
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills:
Throw shulker projectiles with a 10% chance when attacking entities.
Right-clicking or pressing the screen will levitate entities within a radius of 6. (Sword durability: -8)
You will be immune to the effect of levitation.
When you duck you will get a shulker shell, which will protect you from enemy attacks but if they destroy the shell with you inside you will die too.
-How to create or get it:
When killing shulkers with a 4.5% chance
• Spider Sword
-Durability: 628
-Damage: 5
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (With cobwebs, spider eyes and the same sword.)
-Special skills:
The spider mount will be able to climb walls.
You will throw cobwebs when attacking entities with a 5% chance.
Holding the sword in your hand you will get a spider mount.
Right-clicking or pressing the screen will fire cobweb projectiles for a few seconds. (Sword durability: -8)
-How to create or get it:
In the chests of the abandoned mineshaft
• Cactus Sword
-Durability: 125
-Damage: 6
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills:
You will receive damage when having the sword in hand, but you will also damage very close entities.
-How to create or get it:
A stick and two cacti
• Slime Sword
-Durability: 675
-Damage: 6
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (With slime and with the same sword.)
-Special skills:
By having the sword in hand you will get a baby slime mount.
If you get off the slime mount, the slime will defend you from all nearby monsters. (The slime deals one point of damage and is immortal, plus it will teleport to its owner when it gets too far away.)
Jumping with the slime mount and falling on an entity will damage it. (Jumping with the slime mount can be tricky.)
-How to create or get it:
Killing the slime king that appears at night in the swamp biome with a 4% chance.
• Emerald Sword
-Durability: 2300
-Damage: 7
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills:
You'll get a village hero potion effect for being inside a village and it will give villagers a resistance effect within 64 radius.
-How to create or get it:
Found in the chests of: Stronghold, Woodland Mansion, and Pillager Outpost.
• Spectral Sword
-Durability: 3256
-Damage: 9
-Explodable: false
-Should Despawn Item: false
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: true (By ender crystal, nether star and by the same sword.)
-Special skills:
It will make the main block of each dimension transparent only in that dimension. (Overworld: stone, Nether: netherrack, End: endstone.)
Fire an explosive projectile. (Sword durability: -15)
This sword is somewhat unstable so it may explode when attacking entities with a 1% chance.
This sword will emit a slight light.
An ender crystal will appear above you and follow you everywhere.
-How to create or get it:
When exploding ender crystals in the Nether with a 2% chance.
Kill a Ghast with his own projectile with a 6% chance.
• Sea Sword
-Durability: 1356
-Damage: 7
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By heart of the sea and the same sword.)
-Special skills:
You will become a mermaid.
You can breathe underwater but you cannot breathe air.
You will jump like a fish when you are out of the water.
-How to create or get it:
In treasure chests
• Obsidian Sword
-Durability: 3000
-Damage: 8
-Explodable: false
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By obsidian and the same sword.)
-Special skills:
You will be immune to explosions and you will have knockback resistance.
When attacking, the durability points of the sword could lose 1 point with a probability of 55%, 2 points with a probability of 30% and 3 points with a probability of 15%.
-How to create or get it:
You will have to throw the fire sword into the water.
• Glowstone Sword
-Durability: 128
-Damage: 4
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By glowstone, glowstone dust and the same sword.)
-Special skills:
This sword emits a lot of light and can be placed in the left hand.
-How to create or get it:
Two glowstone blocks and a blaze rod
• Time Sword
-Durability: 13770
-Damage: 13
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: false
-Special skills:
Time will advance faster, you and all entities will be able to move much faster, and the plants will grow much faster.
When attacking, the durability points of the sword could lose 1 point with a probability of 90%, 16 points with a probability of 6%, 32 points with a probability of 3% and 64 points with a probability of 1%.
This sword emits light.
-How to create or get it:
You must throw clock swords into the water of the source structure that is in the desert, this source will serve as a source of wishes and will give you the sword with a 2.5% probability.
• Fire Sword
-Durability: 2000
-Damage: 6 (It will burn the enemies you attack.)
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By fire blocks(rare) and the same sword)
-Special skills:
You will be immune to fire.
When you attack you will launch living flames with a 15% probability, these entities will attack the monsters and they will die after a few seconds.
By right clicking or pressing the screen, you will activate the ability "rain of fire" this will create a shower of fireballs that will set fire all around. (Sword durability: -20)
Entities very close to you will burn.
The ice and snow will melt.
It disappears if you enter the water.
This sword emits light.
By throwing the fire sword into the water it turns into an obsidian sword.
Throwing the fire sword into the rain will cause it to turn into a crystal sword after a few seconds.
-How to create or get it:
You must kill living flames, these appear in the Nether and some of them will attack you, to kill this entity correctly without the fire sword falling into the fire and vanishing, you will have to place blocks such as slabs, pressure plates or other types of I do not complete this to prevent the entity from setting fire. The entity will drop the sword with a 4.9% chance. This entity will disappear in a random period of between 25 and 60 second.
Wither Skeleton Sword
-Durability: 128
-Damage: 4
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Coal, sticks and the same sword)
-Special skills:
Will give wither effect to the entities you attack
-How to create or get it:
When killing wither skeletons with a 2.5% chance
• Wolf Sword
-Durability: 2800
-Damage: 5 (+15 points during the night of the full moon. (They will not be visible in the sword damage))
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills:
-During the night of the full moon:
The player will deal 15 points of damage per attack plus 5 points of sword attack for a total of 20.
The player will move faster.
The monsters will not attack you, you will be part of them.
-During the night of the full moon:
Your vision will look somewhat red
If you remove the sword from your hand before the end of the full moon night you will get negative potion effects. (They will disappear at dawn.)
If you have the sword in your hand during the sunset before the night of the full moon, you will feel dizzy.
-How to create or get it:
You must kill an alpha wolf during the full moon with the silver sword and it will drop the sword with a 10% chance.
(Alpha wolves appear in the taiga biome during the night of the full moon, you will hear a distant howl when one appears nearby.)
• Ultra Instinct Sword
-Durability: 9999
-Damage: 16
-Explodable: false
-Should Despawn Item: false
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: false
-Special skills:
Melee attack, projectiles, fire, and explosions cannot harm you. (You can dodge the melee attack and the projectiles automatically)
Right clicking or pressing the screen will fire a powerful projectile capable of destroying everything in its path and the bedrock will not be a problem. (This ability recharges every 61 seconds) (Sword durability: -48) (The Ultra Instinct projectile can cause a lot of lag for a few seconds.)
-How to create or get it:
You must throw quartz diamonds or quartz diamond blocks (new material) into the water of the source structure that is in the desert, this source will serve as a source of wishes and will give you the sword with a 0.8% probability when throwing quartz diamond or 2.5% chance with the quartz diamond block.
(Quartz diamond ores are spawned below height 15 in small quantities and are rare to find)
New materials, ores and more:
- Quartz diamond ore { Spawns below height 16 (Rare) (will deal damage when sting if you're too close) }
- Quartz diamond
- Quartz stick { Durability: 20, Damage: 24, (Causes you damage when you attack entities) (It is crafted like a common stick) }
- Silver ore { Spawns below height 35 (common) (Place in the oven to get silver ingot) }
- Silver ingot
- Bedrock stick { Durability: Unbreakable, Damage: 6 (It is crafted like a common stick) }
Use the command "/function give" to get all the swords.
Swords can be found in the Creative Inventory under the Swords tab.
• Activate the option "Holiday Creator Features" and "Creation of Custom Biomes" for the correct functioning of the Add-On.
• If the add-on doesn't work properly, restart Minecraft and reactivate the packs