Created by yBrothers
yCreatures, an amazing super complete add-on that brings even more fun to your Minecraft worlds!!
This addon contains several new animals for Minecraft, some cute, some not so friendly, but all amazing and super fun, with various varieties of animation, behavior, models and textures.
Check out changelog to see all the changes from yCreatures Savanna !!
Aardvarks are docile animals that live in the savanna, termites and termite nests are their favorite foods! They like to take a nap.
Eagles are always prowling the savannah skies, looking for small defenseless mammals!
2 variations: African black eagle and African fish eagle!
Ostriches are neutral, this means that it will attack you if you attack it first. Can be tamed and serves as a mount, jumps high and runs fast !!
Babies are afraid of their approach and will hide their heads in the ground!
They lay eggs!
African bull and black Palancas will attack you if you get too close!
Antelopes avoid getting too close to you and aggressive cats, if it has horns they will probably attack you if threatened! They are quick and smart. They are always sniffing the ground but only graze grass!
Nile crocodiles are aggressive to any animal, except those of the same species as them, and neither do they attack hippos and tortoises!
When they breedable, they will lay 4 eggs on the ground! Custom blocks that will take some time to hatch!
Tortoises are skittish! They don't like approaching players and crocodiles and will hide in their hull! They are slow and also lay eggs on the floor to reproduce!
Termites are small and work cooperatively! If you attack one or break its nest, everyone will revolt! They go in and out of termite mounds every time!
Elephants are beautiful, but if you get too close, they will attack you! They can also release water from their trunk, to cool off the savannah heat!
Lions will fight each other! Lionesses live in harmony together! They spawn in groups across the savanna! Lionesses can grab buffalo and wildebeest!
ANIMALS! (Beside, food to tame them) Note: In some cases only babies are tamed
- Playing the addon on beta versions 1.18.30 or above no longer causes a disappearing bug and lack of function in custom blocks!
- Some English names redefined!
- Snakes now have a chance to drop 0, 1 or 2 poisonous meats when killed!
- Tamed eagles now drop feathers in the air even if they are not flying!
- Eagles now have a low chance of dropping one of their feathers when killed!
- All animals killed with loot enchantment can double the amount of meat or loot to be dropped!
- Lionesses, Hyenas, and other animals no longer display an “Open” message.
- Pangolins now also roll when large or carnivorous animals approach.
- Rolling pangolins can now break some types of fragile blocks along the way.
- Decreased the pangolin’s detection radius, now you can get closer without him hiding and rolling!
- Pangolin now only rolls if it is very close to the player or other creature that threatens it!
- Rolling pangolin is now resistant to most damage!
- Baby eagles now ask for food at random times from 3 to 8 minutes, instead of 10.
- Baby eagles no longer die if not fed, but they are also prevented from growing!
- Baby eagles now get a little bigger when they are ready to become adults, and this now takes 10 minutes!
- Snakes now drop 0 to 4 eggs, and can drop 5 to 10 if the player kills them with loot charm!
- Tamed eagles now only give their owner an effect for 20 seconds, and have a 60 second cooldown before the owner reuses them.
- Fisher Eagle now gives its owner water breathing effect!
- Black Eagle now offers its owner a slow fall effect!
- Tortoises, crocodiles and monitor can now lay 1-4 eggs when spawned!
- Ostrich and marabou eggs are now stackable at 64!
- Termites can now generate sawdust in their nests!
- Termites now cut some blocks of baobab wood by generating a block with nymphs on it and collecting the sawdust to take to the nest again!
- Termites are no longer tameable.
- Termites are now only located in the outskirts of where the nest spawned!
- Termite can now only drop 1 termite appetizer!
- Animals can now only breed if they are tamed, and if they are in a place covered with at least 9 blocks of sawdust bedding!
- Added new Sawdust Bedding block!
- Added termite nest with sawdust!
- Added new block baobab planks with termite nymphs!
- Added new baobab log block with termite nymphs!
- Added new stripped baobab log block with termite nymphs!
- Added new Baobab wood block with termite nymphs!
- Added new stripped baobab wood block with termite nymphs!
- Added new infested baobab planks!
- Added new Infested Baobab log block!
- Added new Infested Stripped Baobab Log Block!
- Added new Infested Baobab wood block!
- Added new Infested Stripped Baobab Wood Block!
- Eagle feathers now take the place of stick to be placed in eagle nests!
- Only the branches of baobabs are solely responsible for the growth of mucuas and their stages, change to decrease excessive ticks and avoid lag.
- Crocodile, tortoise and monitor eggs now have 2 stages before hatching, whole egg and cracked egg.
- Crocodile, tortoise and monitor eggs can stack up to 4 when not in their cracked stage.
- Cracked crocodile, tortoise and monitor eggs break more easily if you jump or step!
- Crocodile, tortoise and monitor eggs now break 1 to 1 and decrease in number when stepped on or jumped over!
- Cracked crocodile, tortoise and monitor eggs can be broken even if the player is not sneaking!
- Breaking any termite nest variant now drops an unoccupied variant and an angry termite will spawn!
- Termite Nest can now only release a single termite!
- Woods with termite nymphs turn into infested woods over time!
- Infested woods now spawn from 1 to 4 termites when interacted with or broken!
- Termite nests can now randomly release termites!
- Using Bonemeal on a baobab branch can grow a mucua below it!
- Bonemeal can now be used to change the growth stages of the mukua!
- Breaking or interacting with any termite-infested wood will now create particles and fall twigs!
- Added new item Raw and Cooked Poisonous Meat!
- Added new Eagle Feather item!
- Added new Savanna Habitat Medal item!
- Added new Sawdust item!
- Foods that generate effect on player now show effect particles correctly!
- Eating the mucua fruit now takes longer!
- Mucua Oil can now be drunk by the player and offers regeneration for a few seconds!
World Generation:
- Termite mounds can now spawn with some sawdust termite nest blocks!
- Slightly reduced the amount of spawned fixed nests on baobabs!
- Added Baobab Wood Dust Particles!
- Addon particles now have new textures!
Download ycreatures_savanna.mcaddon (.mcaddon)