18-08-2022, 21:25

Addon: Anime Characters (Waifus & Husbands)

14 023
Addon: Anime Characters (Waifus & Husbands)

If you like video games, manga, or anime, this add-on is perfect for you. This add-on will add your favorite characters to your adventures as adventure companions. This add-on adds 227 different characters, each one with different characteristics that will surely be useful in your adventures.

Created By Xione

Choose your way to play:

Choose in the game menu, in the behavior add-ons part, the way to spawn the entities, by crafting or by natural generation (This can be changed whenever). The crafting mode will only make the entities craftable, they will not appear naturally, and the natural generation mode will do the opposite. The mode by crafting will be decided by default.


Craft Entities:

You can create ALL entities with a crafting table and the necessary materials, once you have your spawn item, you just need to use it (The entity is automatically tamed by the player using the item).

Entities Spawn:

Entities will spawn naturally, some spawn only at night, others only in certain biomes, etc. Entities do not interfere with the spawning of other Minecraft entities (animals, monsters, etc.).



Friendship (To tame):

To make a friendship with an entity, we must use some of the following objects: “Poppy” (and some more flowers), “Cookie” and “Apple”. Depending on the character, it can cost us more or less objects. Also, if you are the owner, you will not be able to damage your own characters. 

When we are friends with a character, we can see his life (Among many more things that are explained below).

Behavior (Tame):

If we are friends with a character, he will follow us and help us when facing enemies. The behavior can vary a bit depending on the character, but it is the same concept in all. (Note: They don't like Creepers.)


When we are friends with an entity we can use its inventory to store objects, this inventory is private for the owner, but if the entity dies it will drop all the objects. (The maximum number of objects may vary depending on the entity).


Equipment and stats:

Characters have different health and attack stats from each other, sometimes they have more attack but less life or vice versa. But normally the base life is 35-50 points and the base attack is 10-15 points, but we can equip our characters with a netherite sword to increase the attack (Normally being 15-25 points) and horse armor diamond to raise life (Normally being 60-100 points). We can remove the horse armor or the sword whenever we want (if they die they will drop it) but by doing so they will return to life and initial attack. 


We can feed our characters with most edible foods in the game so that they recover health. 

Sit and Stand:

If we crouch down and interact with a character, he will sit down and if he is already sitting down, he will stand up. 

Regeneration ability:

Some characters have the ability to put regeneration 1 on themselves and their owner when a fight ends, the amount of time of the effect is different depending on the character. (Sometimes they can also give feedback to other entities that are part of our team). 

Unique behavior:

Some characters may have custom behaviors, such as increased speed, supernatural stats, or being damaged by certain things.

Like for example Nezuko, she only spawns at night and can take damage from sunlight, so be careful. 

Archer entity:

Some entities will use a bow and arrows to attack (Arrows change their design depending on whether they have more attack or less) 

Other entities (Gojo and Kaworu) attack with the “mind” 

“Magical” Behavior

Some entities with this behavior will launch a “magic wave” as their first attack, when the magic wave is used they have a cooldown, while the “magic wave” attack is recovering the entities will use their physical attack, if they do not reach the enemy to wait until they can use their “magic wave” attack again. 


This type of character, apart from his much smaller appearance, cannot attack any entity. However, they have an inventory in which we can store items, they also have invincibility to any type of damage, so the only way to remove them is with commands. 

These characters only make friends with objects like a cookie or a cake (Although Klee also likes the TNT). Normally, when they are generated naturally, they will be generated with some normal character, example; Anya can spawn with Loid or Yor (or both), Anya will start following whatever character she spawned with (This also applies to Kanna and Klee, but with different characters). 

If for some reason they lose sight of the character they were following (Example; Anya loses sight of Yor) or this character dies, they will start following any other normal character they encounter, so it is possible to find any Anya following a Mikasa or things like that. 

Special items:

The prisms will help you to improve the statistics of your favorite characters, these 2 objects are crafted, and each one has its function, the attack prism increases the attack and the life prism increases life (Obviously).

Revitalizing Mirror and souls:

 Did your partner fall in battle? Did your friend accidentally kill your favorite character? Don't worry, when your favorite characters die they will leave their soul, if you take it and save it, you can revive it. By crafting a Revitalizing Mirror, an item that if given a soul can revive a character.


Changing skin:

Some entities  (Shiina, Yor, Rei, Ryuko, Keqing, Tartaglia, Mai, Asuka Emilia - Satella, Joker, Hu Tao, Fischl, Nia, Michiru y Bronya)  change their skin depending on the time of day.




ATK: 14

Durability: 350


-Activate one of the 4 Monado arts (Plus the "failed Monado" art):

Attrition on Activation: -5


1-[24%] Speed:

 Speed x3

 Jump_Boost x5



2-[24%] Buster:

 Strength x2




3-[24%] Shield:

 Resistance x3


 Fire_resistance x5



4-[24%] Healer:

 Saturation Area

 Absorption Area x5

 Instant_health Area x5 (5sec)

 Regeneration Area x5 (20sec)


0-[4%] Monado Failed:


 Poison x5

 Blindness (18sec)

 Hunger x2




-Can be repaired with a copper ingot 6 repair points

Passive Skill:

-You can mine any block of some metal or redstone at a higher speed and as the block's assigned weapon (Ex: If you mine an iron ore it will drop the iron). Not only that, if you mine an assigned block the weapon will not wear out.


Aegis Sword of Pyra:

ATK: 17

Durability: 350


Right click:

-Activate the sword skill:


 Strength [15sec, x3]

 Fire_resistance [15sec]

 Slowness [15sec, x5]


Attrition on Activation: -5 


-Can be repaired with a Blaze Powder 5 repair points

Aegis Sword of Mythra

ATK: 18

Durability: 350


Right click:

-Activate the sword skill:

Attrition on Activation: -5


 Speed ​​[30sec, x3]

 Night_vision [30sec]

 Haste [8sec]

 Weakness [30sec, x6]


-Can be repaired with a glowstone dust 5 repair points

Aegis Sword of Pneuma

ATK: 20

Durability: 350


Right click:

-Activate the sword skill:

Attrition on Activation: -5


 Speed ​​[10sec, x3]

 Night_vision [10sec]

 Conduit_power [10sec]

 Resistance [10sec, x3]



-Can be repaired with a sculk 5 repair points

Download anime-characters-6_01.mcaddon (.mcaddon)

[7.39 Mb] Downloads: 1009


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. unknown

    uh, this a little freaky o_O

  2. al camp
    al camp
