Addon: Weapons Expansion

Created By TheCloudyCloud0
This addon brings new weapons to minecraft. It expands the horizon of the base weapons and adds new and rather interesting weapons to the game. These different weapons have unique attributes and uses, so play around with it a little!
So, to get started, here is the first few weapons, which are the cobalt items:
Also just a quick side note, all of these items are categorized by their material type or categories, just to note.
The first item on the left hand side is the cobalt sword:
Does 7 attack damage:
Has 500 durability:
next we have the cobalt spear, right of the sword:
Does 6 attack damage:
Has 500 durability:
Next item is the cobalt ingot, you get this item by smelting copper in a furnace.
To the right of that we have the cobalt bow and arrow
Does 6 ranged damage:
And since it is not classified as a new bow, but instead, a projectile, there is no durability stat, Just depends on how many you have.
The last item of this category on the far right is the cobalt bomb, which is essentially a better and throwable version of vanilla tnt.
Does 10 explosion damage:
45 per stack:
Second new material and items are the sunburnt items.
The first item on the left hand side is the sunburnt spear
Does 6 attack damage just like the cobalt spear:
Has A durability stat of 1000:
Next we have the sunburnt ingot, which is obtained through laying copper on a campfire and waiting for it to cook.
To the right of that we have the sunburnt bow.
Does 7 ranged damage:
and again, since it is not classified as a new bow, but instead, a projectile, there is no durability stat, it just depends on how many you have.
Moving on to the next category.
Next, we have bloodstone items.
The first item on the left side is the blood-covered sword.
Does 6 attack damage:
Has 462 durability:
And has a unique ability which when holding the weapon, you gain regeneration 3:
To the right of that, we have the bloody staff:
Does 3 attack damage:
has 50 durability:
and has a unique ability which when holding the weapon, you gain regeneration 4:
To the right of that we have the blood stone ingot, which is obtained by mining the ore called hardened bloodstone, which is the block on the very right-hand side.
Normally bloodstone should spawn in the nether and be pretty difficult to find, but I could not find it anywhere during testing the addon, so you may just want to hold off on trying to find it until v2 is released because something is preventing the ore from being spawned naturally.
Moving on to the next category of items, well one singular item because it has no use currently, mythrill:
For its uses, wait for v2 to be released in about a week or 2.
next we have the refined iron items:
The first item we have is the refined iron sword.
Does 7 attack damage:
Has 462 Durability:
next we have the cobble crusher.
does 5 attack damage:
has 562 durability:
Inflicts slowness when held:
and has the unique perk of being able to break stone type blocks very quickly. Things like deepslate, cobblestone, and more.
And on the right we have the refined iron ingot, made by smelting an iron ingot in a blast furnace.
Moving on we now have the bedrock items, and just so you know, bedrock is now craft-able for this purpose.
starting from the left we have the charged bedrock obliterator, and just to note, this weapon oneshots everything.
Does 9999 Attack damage:
Has 100000000 durability:
And Sets the players health to half a heart and inflicts poison 255.
Next is the uncharged variant of this weapon, the bedrock obliterator (uncharged)
does 50 attack damage:
Has 1000 durability:
and sets the player's health to 5 hearts:
next is the bedrock shortsword:
does 7 attack damage:
has 4000 durability:
and has the unique property of inflicting the player with regeneration 2:
next is the bedrock sword:
does 12 damage:
has 4000 durability:
Next category, we have katanas.
Netherite katana
does 7 attack damage:
has 2000 durability:
has its unique property of affecting the player with swiftness 2:
Diamond Katana:
does 6 attack damage:
has 1361 durability:
has its unique property of affecting the player with swiftness 2:
Iron katana:
does 5 attack damage:
has 200 durability:
has its unique property of affecting the player with swiftness 2:
gold katana
does 3 attack damage:
has 30 durability:
has its unique property of affecting the player with swiftness 2:
stone katana
does 4 attack damage:
has 110 durability:
has its unique property of affecting the player with swiftness:
Wooden Katana
does 3 attack damage:
has 50 durability:
has its unique property of affecting the player with swiftness:
Next we have the sheers, which essentially are spears that can be used as shovels
Netherite sheer
does 7 attack damage:
has 2031 durability:
and has the unique trait of being able to mine like a shovel:
diamond sheer
does 6 attack damage:
has 1516 durability:
and has the unique trait of being able to mine like a shovel:
Iron Sheer
does 5 attack damage:
has 251 durability:
and has the unique trait of being able to mine like a shovel:
golden sheer
does 3 attack damage:
has 32 durability:
and has the unique trait of being able to mine like a shovel:
stone sheer
does 4 attack damage:
has 131 durability:
and has the unique trait of being able to mine like a shovel:
wooden sheer
does 3 attack damage:
has 59 durability:
and has the unique trait of being able to mine like a shovel:
next we have sickles, which function like a hoe, being able to till dirt, and it can be used like a melee weapon.
Netherite Sickle:
does 7 attack damage:
has 2031 durability:
has the unique function to be able to till dirt:
Diamond sickle
does 6 attack damage:
has 1361 durability:
has the unique function to be able to till dirt:
Iron Sickle
does 5 attack damage
has 230 durability
has the unique function to be able to till dirt:
gold sickle
does 3 attack damage:
has 32 durability:
has the unique function to be able to till dirt:
stone sickle
does 4 attack damage:
has 131 durability:
has the unique function to be able to till dirt:
Wooden Sickle
does 3 attack damage:
has 45 durability:
has the unique function to be able to till dirt:
next we move on to some interesting items:
First we have the Redstone sword
does 6 attack damage:
has 150 durability:
Next we have the copper sword, which finally makes copper useful
does 6 attack damage:
has 231 durability:
next is a unique item, the bushwhacker!
does 6 attack damage:
has 500 durability:
Has the unique property to break plants like leaves and moss way quicker:
next is the emerald sword, a very long wanted item in minecraft!
does 6 attack damage:
has 561 durability:
next is the lapis sword, which also has its own unique ability.
does 4 attack damage:
has 250 durability:
has the unique property of turning the player invisible if wielded:
and last is the bone sword, which is another unique one!
does 7 attack damage:
has 50 durability:
has the unique trait of affecting the player with night vision when held:
next category is tree branches, and they are able to be used like a hoe to till dirt.
first up we have the tree branch
does 2 attack damage:
has 5 durability:
next is the Strengthened Tree Branch
does 4 attack damage:
has 10 durability:
lastly for the weapons portion is the enhanced tree branch
does 5 attack damage:
has 50 durability:
These are the 2 new tables, they serve to craft the new items to craft weapons
I will now show the crafting recipes for each of the items -
cobalt ingot:
cobalt bomb:
Cobalt Sword:
Cobalt bow and arrow:
sunburnt Bow and arrow:
Sunburnt Ingot:
sunburnt spear: (forgot to crop this one)
Mythrill ingot:
Blood-covered sword:
Bloody Staff:
refined iron ingot:
cobble crusher:
refined iron sword:
Bedrock sword:
bedrock dagger:
bedrock obliterator:
charged bedrock obliterator:
katana grip:
redstone sword:
emerald sword:
copper sword:
lapis sword:
bone sword:
larger arrow quiver
saw mill:
advanced table:
this is how you would craft a netherite katana, sickle, and sheer.