4-02-2022, 20:13

Addon: Minecraft, But Items Explode When You Look At Them

10 916
Addon: Minecraft, But Items Explode When You Look At Them

So you thought beating Minecraft on Bedrock Edition was too easy? Now here's a challenge for you! Try to beat the game, but with items exploding when you look at them! Keep those eyes peeled. 

How it Works

It's simple! If you look at an item, it EXPLODES! Just like how endermen get angry when you look at their faces.
Here's an example:

A nice little desert village farm, with a sand item on it.

When you look at the sand: (how beautiful)



There are 4 different settings you can have in the Behaviour Pack:

  • Classic: Blaze Rods & Ender Pearls Do Not Explode
  • Assisted 1: Classic + Gold Ingots/Blocks Do Not Explode
  • Assisted 2: Assisted 1 + Eyes of Ender Do Not Explode
  • Nightmare: All Items Explode



You need to make sure "Holiday Creator Features" Experimental Toggle is turned on, otherwise this add-on will not work. The other toggles are not necessary for this add-on.

Mod By JuliusScizzor

Download Items Explode When You Look At Them (.mcaddon)

[566.8 Kb] Downloads: 432


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: iOs, android, windows

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