Addon: Vein Miner 3.0
22 803

This addon introduces a new way of mining ores. Now you can mine the whole vein of the ores by just mining one ore block. You just have to sneak by pressing the shift button or whatever button you have set for sneaking. By default, it's the left shift. This addon is survival-friendly too.
UPDATE : New Setting added to the addon which helps toggle between the vein mineable blocks
Currently, the blocks supported for vein mining are as follows :
- Ancient Debris
- Diamonds
- Iron
- Gold
- Copper
- Coal
- Redstone
- Lapis
- Emerald
- Nether Gold
- Nether Quartz
- Gravel
- Granite
- Andesite
- Diorite
- All Wood Logs
- Nether Wood
- Wart Blocks (Crimson and Warped)
- Glow Stone
- Clay
New Settings for Vein Miner
Now you can toggle between vein minable blocks with the new settings option in the addon.
This addon contains 5 settings :
1.Ores Only
2. Ores and Wood
3. Ores, Wood and Stones
4. All blocks excluding Gravel
5. All Blocks
Note : Default Settings will be set to "All Blocks". You can change it using the settings tab of the addon.
Mod By SkinnyChopple