23-02-2022, 00:18

Addon: Demon Hunter

7 951
Addon: Demon Hunter

Created By Fenrir Studio 

Demon Hunter is an Addon that immerses you in the Famous Demon hunt and adds 3 variations as well as a super cool Boss.


- To get blood, you´ll need some syringes.
Why do i have to get blood?

The villager blood is used to craft the ritual, and
you need demonic blood to craft the demonic blend.

How to get demon blood:

-Take a syringe, and interact with any demon (Rank 1, 2 or 3) Be careful.

How to get villager blood:

-Take a syringe and interact with the villager using it.


The ritual is used to spawn the Behemoth, the boss of the addon.
The Behemoth has 400 health points and 20 of attack damage.

When you kill the behemoth, it will drop a sword that deals 20 of attack damage, and has a durability of 5000.

Things that you need:

1. Craft the base: You need 9 syringes with villager blood to make this.
2. Get the demonic grimoire: You can find it on the ravines in the overworld.
3. Make the demonic blend: You need demon essence (rank one demon has the probability to drop it) And you
also need the blood of the 3 demons.

Steps to use the ritual:
1. Place the ritual base
2. Place the demonic grimoire over it
3. interact with the ritual using the demonic blend and the behemoth will spawn.

Info about the demons:

Rank one demon: Spawns in the nether and the overworld, it has the same life than a normal player, and 5 of attack damage.


Rank two demon: Spawns in the nether and in the overworld, it has 40 health points and 8 of attack damage.


Rank three demon: Spawns only in the nether, it has 70 health points and 20 of attack damage. 

Behemoth (BOSS): Summon it using the ritual, it has 400 health points and 20 of attack damage. 


Blessed sword: Craft it with iron and a wooden cross.
Wooden cross: Craft it using sticks.
Demon catalyst: Craft it using a rank two demon eye and leads.

Golden amulet and golden cross are found on the bastion chests.

Demonic blood sword: Get it killing the Behemoth. 5000 of durability and 20 of attack damage.

-Demon hunter hat
-Demon hunter jacket
-Demon hunter leggings
Craft them with red wool and iron nuggets.

Guns and bullets:
Bullets: Crafted with black wool demonite ingots and gunpoder.
Iron huntress bullets: Crafted with 2 normal bullets.
Hunter shotgun bullets: Crafted with  5 iron huntress bullets.

Iron huntress empty: To load the ammo, put the gun with the munition in the crafting table.
Hunter shotgun empty: To load the ammo, put the gun with the munition in the crafting table.


Demonite ore: Found it in the nether and in the overworld. 
-64-20 (Overworld)
0-20 (Nether)

Demonite ore ingot: Put the demonite shard in the furnace or the blast furnace.

  • models and textures are updated
  • Fixed bugs that introduced the new official version

You need to download both files : behavior and resource!

Download demon hunter (behavior) (.mcpack)

[72.21 Kb] Downloads: 370


Download demon hunter (resource) (.mcpack)

[363.95 Kb] Downloads: 345


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: iOs, android, windows

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