19-09-2024, 23:35

Addon: Adapting Wheel

6 975
Addon: Adapting Wheel

This add-on adds a headwear that resembles a wheel, the wheel grants the user to adapt to damage and in turn deal the same damage as that attack and be immune to that amount of damage.

Created By Emerald5352

Adapting Wheel

The adapting wheel can be enchanted by any helmet type enchantments (such as protection and such). It also has durability so you need to keep an eye on it, also it has a special enchantment glint where it glows red instead of the usual purple.


When you get hit you'll adapt to the damage, it will be shown above the hotbar and also on the item.

The max to the stat is 20. To basically explain how adaptation works, the value adds up to your damage and defense, where if you where to attack it'd deal that number as extra and if you where hit the damage you took will be deducted by the amount of adaptation the wheel has.

Crafting the Adaptation Wheel

To craft the adaptation wheel you'll need 4 Gold Ingots, 4 Gold Nuggets, and a Nether Star.

Download adapting_wheel_1_0_0.mcaddon (.mcaddon)

[1.1 Mb] Downloads: 1501


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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