Addon: Passive Monsters
4 879

Have you ever wanted to adventure peacefully amongst all mobs of Minecraft? With this add-on activated monsters will no longer seek out and attack you and will go about their lives as though you were not even there. Endermen will no longer be scared of attention. Creepers will be just a little less creepy! All together making your Minecraft worlds a much more calm and relaxing place to adventure.
Created By Ender-Steve
This add-on does not however change any mobs ability to fight back. This means that, until provoked, most mobs will not attack the player. Some exceptions to this rule are as follows:
- Ender Dragon: Besides the lack of angry endermen fight is unchanged as far as I can tell.
- Wither: Fight is unchanged as far as I can tell.
- Warden: No longer target the player even when attacked.
Supported Minecraft Versions