Addon: The Forgotten Legends

Bosses everywhere! you'll find many challenges through your worlds! The Forgotten Legends aims to bring a whole new fantasy styled adventure to your Minecraft Worlds.
Created By KaelusArvylar
The Nekros faction is a group of undead creatures, from basic skeletons to the lich boss, these enemies will be found underground and in their own structures.
Nekros Aberration
Ochi Nekros
Nekros Knight
Nekros Colossus

Wither Colossus



Da Boyz
These fellas got soma' waaagh! for ya! they come in big ztrong groups to bring their enemiez down!
Da Basic Gitz
Da Crazy Boiz
Da Warboss, he knows where are the good foightz!

Just look at him running away from the big flying lizard
The Desertic Wyvern

The Spider Matriarch
The Draconic Knights!
Ruined Guardian

Darrats (Your Worst Nightmare)

Aornis Knight

Blood Troll

Flaming Centurion


This project add more stuff like weapons, armor sets, spells, talismans, etc. which are going to be craftable or dropped by the enemies.
- New Factions
- More Enemies
- A variety of Weapons, Armors, etc. FASHION SOULS!