Addon: Simplistic Rideable Train

Have you ever wanted to add a new transport system to your world, like a subway or a simple train station? Then this addon is perfect for you! This simplistic styled red train has 4 wagons with a locomotive that controls them.
Created By Bedrock Bliss
The train has 4 wagons with each wagon having 6 places to sit. Each wagon is a bit diffirent from the inside
Wagon 4 has a cat included.
Wagon 3 has a laptop
Stairs and gates that open and close when the train stops. Wheels also move when the train starts moving.
The locomotive controls the other 4 wagons, and it has 3 places to sit: The pilot, the co pilot and one extra seat behind.
The one that sits first in the locomotive will control it. The locomotive/train also makes sounds: a sound when you ride and a choo-choo sound when it stands still. And also added smoke particles to the locomotive.
To place/summon the wagons and locomotive go to the spawn eggs and you will see them beneath, right click to summon them.Make sure to set the simulation distance of your world to 12 chunks, otherwise the rear wagon(s) won't follow.
Make sure you place the wagons in the right order: Wagon1 should be right behind the locomotive, Wagon2 behind Wagon1 etc...
If you want to have 2 or multiple trains in your world, make sure they are far away located from eachother, otherwise the wagon(s) will start folowing the wrong locomotive/wagon(s).
After you've placed the wagons make sure to ride the locomotive a little bit foreward in 3th pov untill you see that all wagons have folowed eachother along. After that you can drive the locomotive freely.