Addon: Old Nightly Wolf

Now you can transform into the greatest antihero / giver to the poor in the history of Karmaland You will be able to experience the skills of being the authentic Nightly Wolf of your own world
Created by Old Steve Addons
Nightly Warrior / Nightly Wolf WarriorThis mob is the only entity that this addon adds, this character is the Nightly Warrior (left) ... This warrior can wander around our worlds peacefully during the day, only defending himself if any entity attacks him, but at night his animal instincts will take over him
And transforming himself into a powerful Nightly Wolf Warrior (right)
This is the loot you can receive from a Nightly Warrior, with their respective probability percentages
And this is the loot you can receive from a Nightly Wolf Warrior, with their respective probability percentages
Nightly Leather
This item is the material necessary to create Nightly Wolf's armor.
Nightly Leather Threads
This item is one of the materials necessary to create the Nightly Wolf sword.
Nightly Sword
This sword is the most powerful weapon within the addon, it has an attack power of 9 in its base form, but with its constant use you will show that you are worthy of using all its power, its base form seems to have few uses but You must see what happens when you awaken all its power (don't be afraid that it will break since at first it has few uses, to evolve its power just keep using it and you will see that the more you use it, the more powerful it will become)
Nightly Warrior - Armor
This armor is infused with the fighting spirit of a Nightly Warrior so each part of it will give you special abilities. ( This image represents the amount of protection and the durability of each part of it )
Nightly Wolf - Armor
This armor is the complete representation of the authentic Nightly Wolf This image represents the amount of protection and the durability of each part of it
Nightly Leather threads
Nightly Sword
Nightly Wolf Helmet
Nightly Wolf Chestplate
Nightly Wolf Leggings
Nightly Wolf Boots