Addon: Spartan's Mech "Shooter and Defender"

Get into your robot, choose your favorite weapon and destroy your enemies with this addon. In this addon you can build a robot! The dragon, the wither and the warden will be little mice compared to your power!
Created By SPARTAN1171346
This addon contains Mech to which you can equip powerful and lethal weapons.
They must first find the mechanic to comprar robots o armas. He will appear anywhere in the world. You will need "components" to trade, these items will be dropped by the enemies of this addon.
You will see that there are 2 bars inside, on the left is the ammo indicator and on the right is the life indicator. To be able to shoot you must use the ammunition item to load, to change weapons you simply have to have the weapon in your hand, you no longer have to equip it like the previous version, to be able to shoot you have to use the weapon item
- Spartan "PROTOTYPE" (health: 400)
- Spartan 01 "SHOOTER"(health: 800)
- Spartan 02 "DEFENDER"(health: 1600)
Double cannon




Rocket Launcher

- They attack villagers and players.
- they appear naturally during the day.
- They have 40 health points.
- deals 5 damage per shot.
- drop item: "component". It will be used to trade with the mechanic in exchange for robots and weapons
Robot Soldier

War Drone