Addon: Medieval Life

Addon Medieval Life for Minecraft with a variety of unique and useful NPC.
Created By FznDev
Peasant are only non workers but we can make them work or recruit them
Harvest and plant crops. You can also give him bone meal to use. Just give the peasant an iron hoe to make a farmer
Cut down trees and replant them. Just give the peasant an iron axe to make a lumberjack. You can also give diamond axe to make it faster
Go underground to street mining. Just give the peasant an iron pickaxe to make a miner
Breeding animals. Once he has enough he will get meat. Just give the peasant an leash to make the rancher
Make tools and weapons. Just give the peasant a hammer to make a blacksmith. You can also give him iron chestplate to make him an armorer
This is a new armor variant that can be crafted by blacksmith
Like an iron golem it will protect you and follows and teleports to you like a wolf. To make a soldier, just give the peasant an soldier item and then give him an iron sword also just give the peasant an archer item then a bow to make an archer. You can also give armor to protect it
You need to build barracks to hire soldiers
For the first time we will need gold coins so we can sell items to merchant. He will come every day at your base
A place where we can get a structure that will be used later. Like merchant he will come every day
You need to build houses and place beds for your peasants and workers to keep them safe at night