20-05-2024, 18:11

Addon: Magic Staffs

10 986
Addon: Magic Staffs

"Magic Staffs" will add five magical staffs, each representing one of the primordial elements of nature: Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Plant. Each staff has a special ability that aligns with its corresponding element.

Created By Al3zin Add-on

After creating the world you will notice small stones scattered around the world, these stones will be very important, because they were used to craft the staffs.

To collect the elemental stone fragments, you need to hit the stone. There's a chance you won't get the fragments the first time. 

By gathering seven fragments you can craft the elemental stone:

You will only need sticks to craft the staff:

Now just put together the elemental stone and the staff in the order shown in the image below:


Water Staff:

Plant Staff:

Earth Staff:

Fire Staff:

Air Staff:

Turn on experimental options in map settings

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Drops elemental stones.
  • Cooldown staves.
  • Projectile speed.
  • Update 1.20.80.

New Spells:

  • Water Splash
  • Carnivorous Plant
  • Earth Hand
  • Wrath of Fire
  • Levetation
  • There are now 10 Spells in Total.

Download Magic Staff (.mcaddon)

[605.83 Kb] Downloads: 2262


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. yay

    don't work