Addon: Jet-Pack Minecraft Bedrock
5 043

Have you always dreamed of flying above your survival? To fly next to the clouds? With its state-of-the-art ion thrusters, simple and graceful design, and protective armor, this Jet-Pack is for you!
Created By BeBlock
This addon is a Bedrock exclusive content. It contains:
- An exclusive particle to the Jet-Pack
- The possibility to put it where you want
- The possibility to make it in survival
- A fuel system to increase immersion
- 16 colours for the jetpack
Additional information:
- The Jet-Pack does not fly underwater
- Craft your Jet-Pack via the crafting table
- Display your own skin with Jetpack
- 16 new colours
- 17 new particles
- New mob: Petrol Slime (Biome: Swampland)
- Collect petrol balls
- More recipes
- Increased speed
- Percentage of fuel displayed on each jetpack
- Animated textures
- Make your own fuel in the potion workshop table
- Add 15 colours to the jetpack
- Complication of the recipe for crafting the jetpack
- Addition of a fuel system with an exclusive moob to collect the ingredients needed for fuel.
- New graphics for the jetpack
- Fixed the arm display problem