16-05-2024, 17:55

Addon: Mr Cray Fish Furniture

14 428
Addon: Mr Cray Fish Furniture

This is a decoration Add-on wich add several furniture to your game, like cabinets, kitchen-themed furniture, in a vanilla-like and modern style. You can interact with some of furniture for more realism. The mod is in constent evolution, and more pieces of furniture will be add in the future!

Created By Pupy200mine


  • Hundreds of pieces of furniture, in different colors and materials
  • Each piece of furniture has its own recipe (more than 300).
  • Most of them are functional, such as lamps or cabinets.


None of the blocks appear in my world

  • Make sure that you have put the add-on in place and activated all experimental functions

I can't find the sofa or the fences

  • Make sure you are on the latest version of Minecraft (not Previews), sometimes the latest version may break the add-on a bit, just be patient for me to fix it.

Download Mr Cray Fish Furniture (.mcaddon)

[1.4 Mb] Downloads: 3827


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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