Addon: Warden Armor + Echo Tools and Staff

With new and exciting Warden loot, you can now craft Warden Armor that will help you see enemies through walls! A staff can also be crafted to demolish mobs
Created By WeeweeJuice
New Enchantment Update: Enchanted Book: Ability Damage I
Enchanted Book: Ability Damage II
Enchanted Book: Ability Damage III
Ability Damage Enchantment Rules:
- The enchantment can only be enchanted on special weapons!
(oxidized hammers, spears, daggers, whips, battleaxes, staffs, greatswords, maces, etc.) - The enchantment books can be found in loot chests and villager trades!
- The enchantment cannot be gotten from the enchantment table!
Ability Damage Enchantment in Stronghold Library chest
Ability Damage Enchantment in Ancient City chest
Ability Damage Enchantment on Copper Hammer in Weapon Smith villager trade
Ability Damage Enchantment on Enchanted Book in Librarian villager trade
List of where you can find the enchantment:
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in abandoned mineshafts (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in ancient cities (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in desert pyramids (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in jungle temples (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in monster spawner rooms (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in pillager outposts (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in simple dungeons (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold corridors (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold crossings (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold libraries (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in big underwater ruins (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in woodland mansions (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in librarian villager trades (enchanted book)
Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in weapon smith trades (on special weapons)
Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage I Enchantment):
- Enchanted Echo Staff (Ability Damage Enchant I): 8 ability damage (+1)
Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage II Enchantment):
- Enchanted Echo Staff (Ability Damage Enchant II): 9 ability damage (+2)
Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage III Enchantment):
- Enchanted Echo Staff (Ability Damage Enchant III): 10 ability damage (+3)
List of Items:
1. Warden Helmet
2. Warden Chestplate
3. Warden Leggings
4. Warden Boots
5. Warden Staff
6. Warden Staff (AD I)
7. Warden Staff (AD II)
8. Warden Staff (AD III)
9. Warden Sword
10. Warden Pickaxe
11. Warden Axe
12. Warden Shovel
12. Warden Hoe
New Warden Drops:
- Looting does not affect quantity
- Warden Heart: 100% drop rate, qty. 1
- Warden Tendrils: 100% drop rate, qty. 2
Warden Armor & Echo Tool Repairs:
- All Warden armor, Echo tools, and the Echo staff will be repairable with the Warden Heart, Warden Tendrils, and Echo Shards with an anvil
- Warden Heart: Repairs 100% durability
- Echo Shards: Repairs 66% durability
- Warden Tendrils: Repairs 33% durability
- Same Item: Repairs 5% + other item's durability
Warden Armor Stats:
A full set of Warden armor is required to activate the Warden armor's special abilities
1.Applies the darkness effect for 10 seconds right after a full set of Warden Armor is equipped
2.Gain permanent Night Vision and Darkness & Blindness resistance
3. Gain a unique mob tracking ability:
- mobs within a radius of 25 blocks are pinged by an echo for 5 seconds.
- Does not track players
- The echo can be seen through walls
Warden Helmet: 5 bars of protection, 495 durability when equipped
In comparison, Netherite Helmet has: 3 bars of protection, 407 durability when equipped
Warden Chestplate: 11 bars of protection, 720 durability when equipped
Netherite Chestplate: 8 bars of protection, 592 durability when equipped
Warden Leggings: 8 bars of protection, 675 durability when equipped
Netherite Leggings: 6 bars of protection, 555 durability when equipped
Warden Boots: 4 bars of protection, 585 durability when equipped
Netherite Boots: 3 bars of protection, 481 durability when equipped
Echo Tools Stats:
Echo Sword: 8 damage, 3122 durability, 15 speed
Netherite Sword: 8 damage, 2031 durability, 15 speed
Echo Pickaxe: 6 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Pickaxe: 6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed
Echo Axe: 7 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Axe: 7 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed
Echo Shovel: 5 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Shovel: 5 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed
Echo Hoe: 6 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Hoe: 6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed
Echo Staff Stats:
Echo Staff:
3122 durability, Does not break any blocks
Normal hit (Left Click - Staff):
0 damage (same as fist)
Cast (Right Click - Staff):
- 10 magic damage to mobs, 5 magic damage to players
- uses 15 durability
- 0.64 second charge, 3 second duration, 10 second cooldown
- Range of 10 blocks, the chance of hitting an enemy decreases the further away they are
Tools & Weapons 3D Models:
Equipped Weapons: Echo Staff & Sword

Equipped Tools: Echo Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Echo Shovel & Hoe
Armor & Weapons 3D Models:
Equipped Warden Armor

Equipped Warden Armor, Tools & Weapons (Echo Sword)

Equipped Warden Armor, Tools & Weapons (Echo Staff and Echo Pickaxe)

Armor Recipes:
Warden Helmet
Warden Chestplate
Warden Leggings
Warden Boots
Tools & Weapons Recipes:
Echo Staff
Echo Sword
Echo Pickaxe
Echo Axe
Echo Shovel
Echo Hoe
- Turn on Holiday Creator Features, Custom biomes, and Molang Features