Addon: Wonderful Creatures

Have you wanted to have more animals and wonderful creatures in your Minecraft world? Well, this addon is for you, Wonderful Creatures is an addon that adds a variety of animals and fantastic creatures that is related to each biome that is empty that you have to update to this addon, both friendly and nasty creatures and animals, this addon also increases the difficulty.
Created By DeathkingsStudios
The buffalo is a very common mob in the desert, it is neutral, if you hit it it will get angry and the other buffaloes will also enter a state of aggressiveness, when it is angry it will attack any mob except those of its kind, also when it is aggressive it will break the wooden fences. This one loves cacti, if it collides with a block of easter cactus it will destroy it and go for it dropped item and then put it in its mouth and turn it into a bare cactus and then eat it, it regenerates with bare cactus and reproduces with wheat.
The Bactrian camel is a neutral and tameable mob, it is tamed like a horse and a chest can be equipped, it is recommended for traveling through the desert, this is the favorite transport of wanderers. He also loves cacti, if he collides with a block of easter cactus, he will destroy it and go after the dropped item and then put it in his mouth and turn it into a bare cactus and then eat it, it regenerates with bare cactus and reproduces with wheat.
Canis Simensis:
The canis simensis is a desert wolf, but it cannot be tamed, this mob will help you with the dangers of the desert but it will also attack passive mobs to feed on their meat, they appear in packs or alone, when they appear in packs the leader comes out which is the largest canis simensis of all and also leaves a mark of who is its victim, this mob is neutral and if you attack one they will all attack you.
Death Worm:
The death worm is a desert worm that appears at night with little probability, this worm is dangerous for travelers, it appears showing its tail that looks like a dead plant, but if you get closer it will show its true nature. (It does not have a drop at the moment).
Emperor Scorpion:
The emperor scorpion is an arachnid that appears in the desert at night, it will attack the player wither at night, when it is day it becomes neutral and hides in the sand until it is night again, it can be tamed with the golden beetle, it will follow you and you can ride on top of it, when it is tamed it will attack the one you hit.
The fennec is a passive mob that appears frequently in the desert, this mob is scary and will hide in its burrow, it will peek out to make sure there is no one to get out, if there is someone it will hide again, if it does not find a burrow to hide, it will create a new one and then hide there. At night his eyes shine and if you kill him he drops his meat. Only 4 fennecs fit in the burrow.
Rattle Snake:
The rattlesnake is a somewhat dangerous mob from the desert, it hides in a stone that is generated by the desert, if you step on it or interact with it, the snake will come out and want to attack you, it will poison you and attack other mobs in the addon . It also appears at night, but with rare probability.
Tarantula Hawk:
The tarantula hawk is a dangerous mob of the desert, this insect will attack most mobs and causes poison, it appears with some frequency and can appear carrying an egg which will throw it at you, and if it hits something, 3 larvae will come out which you can interact with them to turn them into items and keep them to eat them or to make a larva soup with mushrooms, if you don't do that they will attack you and over time it turns into a cocoon that deals contact damage, if it spends a long time the cocoon will will turn into a hawk tarantula. The tarantula hawk has a jungle variant.
The wanderer is one of the greatest dangers of the desert, it appears in a camp that is somewhat frequent in the desert, it also appears in groups of 4 or less, either mounted on a camel, carrying a baby camel on a rope or alone with a bit low probability, these have a long range and will attack you melee or from a distance if you are far away.
The cyclops is a mini boss of the addon, it will appear in a cave inside a mountain which appears in the world except in the desert and other places similar to the desert. He will appear sleeping and protecting a chest which contains a valuable item, when he is awakened, he will give a piercing scream and begin to release his anger, he will attack you in a melee way, from a distance that a stone throws at you and the most brutal way to finish with you that is devouring you, it will hold you and then kill you with a bite and then regenerate. When you defeat him, he will drop his head and with a very low probability the cyclops sword.
Cyclops Head:

The cyclops head is dropped by the cyclops, it is just decoration.
Cyclops Sword:

The Cyclops Sword is dropped with a rare chance by the Cyclops, this sword does 9 damage and cannot be enchanted. Skills:
-Cyclops famine: Each hit to a mob will give you regeneration 2 for 5 seconds and saturation that fills you a thigh.
-Scream of the Cyclops: When interacting with the sword, it will let out a scream that will push the mobs back.
-Stone Burrow: When interacting and crouching, you will be surrounded by stone, basically protecting you.