10-11-2022, 13:44

Addon: Entity Controller

2 812
Addon: Entity Controller

This addon adds the item "Entity Controller'' which is tool that enables the player to levitate and control any type of entity including the ender dragon. This addon is made for the games version MCBE 1.19+ (Mobile & Window 10 Edition) and unlike other tool/weapon addon in mcpedl it does not use player.json file making it compatible with any addon.

Created By MARK.

Don’t forget to enable all “experimental options“

Entity Controller



How to obtain Entity Controller?

Creative mode -  Entity Controller is in the creative inventory under the Equipment tab.



Survival mode - Craft the "Entity Controller" with 2 netherite ingot and 3 ender pearl.



How to use Entity Controller?

While holding the "Entity Controller" right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile) to activate it and will lure nearby entities 5 blocks away, the spot where the entities are lured are surrounded with the portal particles which serves as its indicator. 

To increase the distance where the the entities are lured, just right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile) while holding the item, it increases the distance by 4 blocks and has a maximum of 40 blocks away. Meanwhile to decrease the distance and turning it off, sneak and right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile).


Right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile)



Sneak and right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile)


Download Entity Controller (.mcaddon)

[8.83 Kb] Downloads: 603


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: admin

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. Anderson  Sandoval
    Anderson Sandoval

    hi i don't like this game because is stupid