23-08-2022, 21:52

Addon: Tesco Trolley Laser Hunter X

3 738
Addon: Tesco Trolley Laser Hunter X

Addon adds 4 different trolleys and 1 bomb (an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, ICBM). Efficient, powerful and gets the job done - the perfect weapon and vehicle to eliminate all your local Tesco foes as well as protect you from unwanted threats.

Created By ashmingguu

Types of trolleys:

Your typical Tesco Trolley

  • Just your typical Tesco trolley you'd find at your local Tesco.
  • Has the same speed as the "player walking" speed
  • Suitable if you have shopping malls in your worlds! 

Tesco Trolley Aircraft X

  • Just your typical Tesco trolley, but can fly!
  • Cannot shoot lasers or drop ICBMs 

Tesco Trolley ICBM Bomber X

  • Just your typical Tesco trolley, but can fly and can drop bombs
  • Right click / hold to drop a bomb! 


Tesco Trolley Laser Hunter X

  • Just your typical Tesco Trolley, but can fly and shoot lasers!
  • Also has a laser sniper sound effect when you shoot it!
  • Right click / hold to shoot! 


  • When you right click / hold the ICBM Bomber while riding it, it will eject an ICBM (this missile).


Example of someone flying the trolley. 

Example of someone dropping an ICBM 

How to control / fly / shoot the trolley

  • To control a trolley, right click/hold the trolley as if you were to ride a mob!
  • To fly a trolley, you need to control the trolley first. Then, look up to fly and look down to descend!
  • To shoot/eject using the trolley, you need to control the trolley first. Then right click/hold to shoot a laser or drop an ICBM bomb.

How to obtain

  • Method 1: Get their spawn eggs from the Creative Inventory. They are classified as spawn eggs. You can search "Trolley" to find them easily.
  • Method 2: Use /summon commands:
    /summon tesco:trolley
    /summon tesco:trolley_fly
    /summon tesco:trolley_fly_war
    /summon tesco:trolley_fly_bomber

Download Tesco Trolley (.mcaddon)

[657.92 Kb] Downloads: 416


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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