23-08-2022, 00:30

Addon: Lifesteal

3 920
Addon: Lifesteal

The lifesteal addon is based of the plugin from the Lifesteal SMP, where whenever you die, you lose a heart, when you kill a player you gain a heart! 

Created By GamerDos

Hearts can be crafted, using this recipe down below:

Heart Fragment - Used to make hearts 

Heart Essence - Used to make hearts 

Heart - Used to gain 1 heart 

Gain a heart by:

  • Killing another player 
  • Using a heart item 

Lose a heart by:

  • Getting killed 

Withdrawing hearts

Hearts can be withdrew by doing ?withdraw <amount>


The heart of life 

The heart of life can be used to revive people, to do it:

  1. Hold the heart of life
  2. Use the command ?revive <player>

Craft it using this recipe: 

Required Experimental Gameplay: 


  • When you die, you become a ghost
  • Ghosts are permanently stuck in spectator mode

Download lifesteal-addon-1_7.mcaddon (.mcaddon)

[3.38 Mb] Downloads: 1238


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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