21-08-2022, 00:41

Addon: Cave Monster

3 112
Addon: Cave Monster

Have you ever felt that Minecraft caves are a bit empty? The addon adds: Items, mobs, structures, armor and new functions.

Created By Team MinecraftPe.Net

  • Soul: You can get this item by killing some mobs, to use it press right click (Windows), hold down the screen for a few seconds (Android/iOS) or throw it on the ground next to you.
  • String Fang: This item is needed to craft the spear, you can get it by crafting it on the crafting table.
  • String Sculk: This item is necessary to manufacture the string fang, you can get it by killing the sculk spider.
  • Fang: This item is needed to make the rope fang, you can get it by killing the sculk spider or the sculktail.
  • Upper Lance: This item is necessary to manufacture the spear, get it by crafting it in the crafting table.
  • Beetle Shell: Necessary to manufacture the beetle armor, get it by killing the beetle.
  • Beetle armor: With this armor you can get the power of the scarab, get the armor by crafting it on the crafting table.
  • Amethist Sword: Very versatile in close combat, and indispensable in fighting. Get it by crafting it on the crafting table.
  • Lance: The spear is a great combat weapon thanks to its high damage, and its ability makes it perfect for defending yourself against your enemies.


Second Section, Functions


This lance uses the power of souls to activate its special ability, to activate it you need to be crouching and have more than ten souls.

Special ability: Creates a circular area with a radius of five blakes. All hostile mobs within this radius will receive 1 heart damage every second, for 10 seconds. Projectiles such as snowballs or arrows are stopped the moment they enter the radius of the ability.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cost of souls: 10.

Damage after each skill: 10.

Amethyst Sword:

This sword uses the power of souls to activate its special ability, to activate it you need to be crouching and have more than five souls.

Special ability: will give you instant health 2 and saturation for 5 seconds.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost of souls: 5.

Damage after each skill: 5.

Dungeons and mobs

  • Sculk Spider: The Scukl spider is found deep underground, you can find it in mines or caves, but it also has its own dungeon with a big loot inside, this dangeon spawns from layer -64 to layer 0.
  • Sculktail: The Scukltail is found deep in the ground, you can find it in the mines or in the caves, but it also has its own dungeon that it shares with the sculk spider which contains a large loot inside, this dungeon is generated from layer -64 to layer 0.
  • Beetle: You can find it in the caves, but it has its own structure with 3 beetles inside. Useful if you want to make the beetle armor.
  • Crystaloid: It is a mob which is made of amethyst, you can find it inside the geodes, but you can also find it in the caves.

How to create





Then activate the following experiments, spectator mode is optional.

Download Cave Monster (.mcaddon)

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Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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