19-08-2022, 22:33

Addon: Lightning Manipulator

3 362
Addon: Lightning Manipulator

This addon adds Fulmen Staff which is a weapon that enables the player to manipulate or summon thunder bolt in 5 ways. 

Created By MARK.

Fulmen Staff  

How to obtain:

  • Creative mode - Fulmen Staff is in the creative inventory under the Equipment tab.
  • Survival mode - First, craft the item "Uncharged Fulmen Staff" with a netherite ingot, a diamond and an iron block. 

While holding the "Uncharged Fulmen Staff" right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile) to charge the staff, you need to do it 10 times making it charge and can be used, charging it will summon lightning bolt on the player and need to survive it by using any armor or healing potion.

 Holding Fulmen Staff will give you fire resistance and a protection from lightning bolt, It has 6 melee damage.


5 Attack Types of Fulmen Staff :


Attack Type 1 - Hitting any Mob with the staff will summon a thunder bolt. 


Attack Type 2 - Right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile) and 5 nearest mob to the player will cause lightning bolt to summon in their position. 

 Attack Type 3 - Right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile) and 5 lightning bolt will be summoned in a line where the player is facing. 

 Attack Type 4 - Right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile) will shoot an invisible projectile and any block or entity it hits will instanly summon a lightning bolt. 

 Attack Type 5 - Right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile) will also shoot an invisible projectile and the place or mob it hit will struck 5 nearest entity by lightning bolt. 

 To switch attack types sneak andright click(Win10) or long press(Mobile), and to switch back attack types sneak, jump and right click(Win10) or long press(Mobile).

Don’t forget to enable all experimental options

Download Fulmen Staff (.mcaddon)

[17.78 Kb] Downloads: 377

Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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